Contact: Jacob McKelvy, Jacob McKelvy Ministries, 713-979-6772
HOUSTON, March 13, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- We've all heard miraculous redemption stories about people straying away from God and returning, but none quite like Jacob McKelvy's. What makes his story so different? Jacob is the first confirmable satanic leader to be reborn into Christianity.
Jacob's story starts when he was just a young boy. After the loss of his younger sister due to a snake bite, Jacob became bitter and hopeless towards God. This anger and rage sent him on a path that eventually lead him to become a Luciferian "archon," or world leader, and he founded the Greater Church of Lucifer in Texas.
In 2015, Jacob opened his church doors to the public, which caused hate infused protesting against his church by Christians both from and outside the community. While many gathered outside the doors to cry out against the churches practices and beliefs, Robert Hogan, pastor of Spring First Church, encouraged his congregation to not protest. "God hasn't called us to hate those people. He's called us to love those people," explained Hogan to his congregation. Hogan also expressed that he had faith that something good could come out of the situation. "I just believe that God could break a revival out at that church."
It turned out that Hogan's faith was not misplaced. Sometime afterwards, Jacob walked through the doors of Spring First Church and asked to talk to Hogan. At the end of a four-hour meeting, Jacob McKelvy surrendered his life to Jesus Christ.
The Greater Church of Lucifer has been shut down in Old Town Spring Texas, but at the time of Jacobs exit there were 41 branches worldwide.
Now Jacob is using his 20-year occult experience to not only tell his story but to also educate people on what he refers to as the "knowledge gap," of understanding what the occult is and to teach others the true nature of adversary.
Jacob hopes that his story will help to inspire others to follow his footsteps. As someone who turned their back on God a long time ago only to be welcomed back into his arms, Jacob knows that true power of love and prayer. "No matter how far from God you think you are, there is always a home."
Jacob is now speaking in churches to prove the power of prayer and the love of God.
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