Contact: Megan Franko, Pajamas Media, 703-683-5004 ext. 148
Photo: Zahra Kamalfar and her children.
Kamalfar was in prison because she protested against the Iranian Mullahs. Unless a miracle happens, she will soon be on a plane on her way to face those she protested, including the probability of torture and rape, and possibly death.
Pajamas Media Special Correspondent and noted Iran expert, Michael Ledeen, gives background on Iranian dissident Zahra Kamalfar and why she has been trapped in Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport:
"This video documents an all-too common tragedy: Iranian opponents of the regime wandering the world in search of a country willing to let them live in safety. In many ways, it is reminiscent of the plight of the European Jews during the Nazi period. Then, too, refugees knocked on the doors of many nations, often ending back in the Reich.
"Zahra Kamalfar participated in demonstrations six years ago. She and her husband were jailed in 2004, in her case for 8 months. Released for a two-day furlough so she could see her two children (Ana and Davood), she and the kids escaped to
"She headed for
"She has appealed for refugee status to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, but to no avail. There is an online petition to both the UNHCR and Russian immigration authorities. Time seems quite short.
"Ms Kamalfar is guilty of being an Iranian who wants to live in a free country. That is a felony in Ali Khamenei's
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