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Building's Banner Will Bear Special Message About Obama for Inaugural Crowds

Contact: Peggy Nienaber, Faith and Action, 202-546-8329; After hours mobile, 202-236-0953

WASHINGTON, Jan. 16, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- During a news conference involving clergy leaders in Washington on Thursday, January 17, a two-story high banner in bright yellow with two foot tall black letters will be unfurled from a building within eyesight of the United States Capitol, the location of Monday's inaugural ceremony. The banner will read, "We don't always agree with the President, but we always pray for him. (1 Tim 2:1-6)" The citation refers to the words St. Paul wrote to his protege, the young pastor, Timothy:

"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone -- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."


    Unfurling of Inaugural Banner with Prayer Message for President Obama

    Thursday, January 17, 2013

    10:00 - 10:30 AM ET

    The Honorable William J. Ostrowski House

    109 2nd Street, NE

    Washington, DC 20002

The banner will hang for ten days on the front of the Honorable William J. Ostrowski House, the headquarters for Faith and Action, a Christian mission to elected and appointed officials on Capitol Hill. The 19th-century row house sits one block east of the US Capitol, just opposite the East Facade of the US Supreme Court. Presidents generally pay a courtesy visit to the Court shortly after their inauguration and are received at the ceremonial East Door to the Court, within full view of the banner. Mr. Obama made such a visit before his inauguration in 2009, but is expected to do so sometime after the ceremony this time around.

President and lead missionary for Faith and Action, the Reverend Dr. Rob Schenck (pronounced "Shank") said, "We are trying to send an important message to the President and to his supporters, that while we differ with him strongly on major issues, we still pledge to pray for him, for his family, and for his administration. I guess you could call us congenial dissenters. It's important to pray for public figures we oppose, not only because scripture commands it, but also because it keeps our hearts from becoming bitter, fearful, or resentful. It keeps us in the right disposition."

Schenck recently went to the formal entry to the official inaugural platform on the West Terrace of the US Capitol to anoint and consecrate the archway President Obama will walk through before swearing his oath of office. While there, Schenck also said prayers for the President, his family members, and members of his administration.

Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, the Reverend Patrick J. Mahoney, a co-sponsor of the banner, said, "Dr. Martin Luther King says the church is to be the 'conscience' of the state, and we have a responsibility to speak 'truth to power' and stand as 'prophetic' witness for human rights and truth. This banner reflects the delicate balance of the church toward President Obama and reminds us we must always pray for the President while never being silent on issues that matter."

The inaugural banner will remain on display from January 17 through January 27.