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Compassionate Conservativism at Work to Eradicate World Poverty

Technological advances, community-based efforts and private funding provides the keys to eradicate poverty, disease, and other social ills in the Third World and beyond


Contact: Jenny Kefauver. 703-842-7405,


WASHINGTON, March 24 /Standard Newswire/ -- A thought-provoking, groundbreaking new book, The Rise of Civil Global Society: Building Nations from the Ground Up (Encounter Books, 2008) by Don Eberly examines innovative ways in which formerly Third World nations and communities around the globe have gradually paved the way to success, providing successful examples to lift themselves out of poverty and becoming fast-growing powerhouses of both technology, new jobs and opportunities.


Photo: Don Eberly


In The Rise of Civil Global Society: Building Nations from the Ground Up, Eberly emphasizes the extraordinary contributions that American citizens, via businesses, civic organizations, religious congregations, and NGOs are making to help uplift communities across the globe, in the face of the US government's numerous failed approaches despite their sizeable international fiscal contributions.


"Most people have only heard half the story of globalization," says author Eberly. "The anti-globalization movement creates a picture of rapacious American or multinational corporations scouring the earth for quick profits and displaying little regard for the poor, their cultures, or even the sovereignty of their nations. Little attention has been paid to how globalization is moving resources and poverty –reducing techniques downward and outward to the poor. Global integration has been proceeding for centuries; the only difference today is that the pace of change is accelerating through technology."


Eberly gives numerous examples of the effectiveness of private initiatives to increase upward mobility and community vitalization, including these eye-opening facts:


  • While U.S. government assistance after the Asian tsunami disaster of 2004 totaled $657 million, private donations from individuals and corporations approached $2 billion.
  • Civil society as a good, effective means of helping to cure various social ills, as volunteerism and charitable service brings more Americans together of different religious, political, and cultural beliefs and stripes.


  • A number of countries previously considered hopeless are now considered developing nations thanks to pro-growth strategies, including China and India


  • The United States has spent twice as much on global HIV/AIDS programming than all other nations combined. US bilateral aid to Africa is now over $3 billion annually, up from $1.1 billion in the last year of the Clinton administration, and accounting for one-quarter of every development dollar in sub-Saharan Africa.


  • America's commitment of private sector resources far exceeds that of other nations, and is growing every year, with private contributions to developing countries representing 62 percent of all worldwide charitable contributions.


Eberly, a former White House advisor with over 25 years combined experience in the public policy and government service positions, provides an in-depth exploration of organizations outside of traditional public sector institutions which, via technological advances and grassroots outreach, are slowly uplifting citizens out of poverty and into more entrepreneurial roles helping to invigorate their communities while transforming entire economies. Eberly believes in looking beyond the typical Washington response to difficult global issues to issue seemingly unlimited financial assistance and instead focusing on both community-based partnerships to encourage lifting themselves out of poverty via entrepreneurial means.


To book an interview with Don Eberly, please contact Jenny Kefauver at JK Public Relations at 703-842-7405 or