Children's 'Wish' Charity Fights Back Using 'Court of Public Opinion' TV Program and U.S./Canadian News Wire Services to Plead Fraud, Conspiracy and Related Charges Against Canadian Developers
Children's 'Wish' Charity Seeks Justice by Newswire Service; Website also Created for Monitoring Fraud, Conspiracy Lawsuits Against Canadian Wealth Developers Theresa Keeping and Dale Merkel
Contact: Capt. Chuck Foster, 702-449-8712,
ORANGE COUNTY, Calif., June 24, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- If survival of the children's 'wish' charity you represent was threatened due to fraud by wealthy Canadian developers, Theresa Keeping and Dale Merkel, but civil and criminal prosecution is frustrated by distance and a Canadian border being used as a shield from civil and criminal prosecution, "What would you do?"
"For starters, I'd tell everybody I could," is what Chuck Foster said he'd do, Foster being the CEO of the victimized children's 'wish' charity, WishCruise Navy.
Visit the website, or type "Theresa + Keeping + Dale + Merkel + Lawsuit + Fraud + Canadian + Developers" on Google, Bing, Yahoo or any major internet search engine, and it becomes clear that "tell everybody" is exactly what Foster's doing!
Foster's "tell everybody" commitment began on May 24, 2013, with the filing of a California Superior Court lawsuit.
"It's the first of two actions," explains Foster, with another separate action to include "embezzlement and conversion" charges to be filed on behalf of WishCruise Navy, plus WishCruise Pirate Adventures, Ltd., the charity-supporting management company that Keeping's $1.5MM "capitalization" funding bought her a 49% equity/partner interest.
Details of the first lawsuit were distributed to print, radio and television media throughout the U.S. and Canada by Canada News Wire, PR Newswire and Christian Newswire.
In addition to pursuing charges with U.S. and Canadian law enforcement agencies, Canadian Ministers, Senators, and several government agencies, Foster's been communicating with businesses and people that, directly or indirectly, are suspected or known to have received children's 'wish' charity funds unlawfully taken and used by Keeping or Merkel for their private Canadian investments, e.g., Ocean View Estates, Port Harmon Authority, and the company which Keeping and Merkel held executive management positions, Vinking Marine Enterprises.
Due to Foster's open invitation for "news media vetting," his first taker is CPC-TV where he'll argue his case on the station's "Court of Public Opinion" program.
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