Contact: Melody Bentley, 571-274-6058
WARRENTON, Mo., July 26, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- Child Evangelism Fellowship, the largest ministry to children in the world, will distribute thousands of crisis evangelistic booklets in Colorado Springs and Fort Collins, Colorado, in the wake of the recent devastating wildfires and tragic killings in the Aurora movie theater.
One of the best ways CEF has found to help children in the midst of crisis has been through the distribution of its booklet called "Do You Wonder Why?" This booklet, which has proven particularly effective in answering the important questions children have in the face of tragedy, was written in the wake of the September 11th terrorist bombings. A small team was sent from CEF to New York City to meet with firefighters and pastors to learn from their experience in order to craft a succinct and appropriate booklet for children. Its message conveys the Christian understanding of tragedy: its roots in humankind's collective choice against God; the hope of the gospel; and the wonder of a God who loves them, watches over them and will never forsake them.
"When tragedies occur children ask the same questions adults do: 'Why did this happen? Does God care?'" said Mr. Harry Robinson, vice president of International Ministries at CEF. "The emotional and spiritual pain they experience is intense. CEF wants to reach these children and provide them with the answers that will bring real emotional and spiritual healing."
Hundreds of thousands of these booklets have been distributed around the world after man-made and natural disasters since 2001. After the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, one parent told a CEF worker, "You should not only give those [booklets] to children. We as adults need this too. I have been struggling with emotional despair since after the earthquake, blaming God for what happened. I stopped praying and going to church. But this booklet answered my questions. Please, do not only give it to children, we need to know too. Thank you!"
For copies of the booklet or to help with its distribution in the Colorado Springs area, please contact Ms. Janet Blasig at 719-310-8399; for the Fort Collins area, please contact Ms. Serena Sabin at 970-493-1409. A sample of the booklet can be seen at www.cefonline.com/doyouwonderwhy.