Daniel J. Smithwick Awarded Noah Webster Education Award

Christian Education Initiative
Nov. 4, 2024
LYNCHBURG, Va., Nov. 4, 2024 /Standard Newswire/ -- The Christian Education Initiative (CEI), announced the selection of Daniel J. Smithwick, as the second recipient of the CEI Noah Webster Education Award. This award is presented annually to recognize and honor Christian leaders who have exhibited leadership skills expressly in the area of Christian education. The Award was presented to Smithwick on September 27th by Richard Hawkins, CEI Chairman, at CEI's annual Summit V Conference, in Lynchburg, VA.
Dan is Founder and President of the Nehemiah Institute. Dan graduated from North Dakota State University in 1972 with a degree in mathematics and was awarded membership in Pi Mu Epsilon, an honorary society for mathematicians.
Dan authored a worldview assessment tool known as the PEERS test. Its purpose is to gauge understanding in five critical areas of culture: Politics, Economics, Education, Religion and Social Issues (PEERS). The PEERS Test remains the only professional validated worldview assessment for high school, university, and adult levels.
Christian Education Initiative began forming in 2018 with Dan Smithwick, E. Ray Moore, Dr. Max Lyons, Kevin Novak, and others from the 4th Annual Great Education Forum Summit. CEI has expanded its reform efforts to the whole Church, including families, churches, para-church ministries, and individuals. Smithwick served as CEI member and director for over four years.
This Award is named for Noah Webster (1758-1843), who was a lexicographer and a language reformer. He is often called the Father of American Scholarship and Education. In his lifetime he was also a lawyer, schoolmaster, author, newspaper editor and an outspoken politician.
Noah Webster was a Christian and famously said, "Education is useless without the Bible." His dictionary is an essential tool for anyone studying the Bible and is currently used by several Christian education scholars.
Christian Education Initiative continues to grow in their vision for individuals, families, churches, and civil governments to be transformed, working through the Holy Spirit, truly carrying out the Great Commission to make disciples who are equipped with a full-orbed biblical worldview to obey all God’s commands, in all areas of life and society (Matthew 28:18-20). As Christ’s faithful ambassadors, may God be glorified, and nations of peoples blessed.
For more information regarding the Christian Education Initiative, visit www.Christedu.org.
For more information regarding Dan Smithwick: dan@nehemiahinstitute.com 1-800-948-3101
website to www.worldviewcheckup.org
SOURCE Christian Education Initiative
CONTACT: Kevin Clauson, 434-444-0344