Contact: The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, 212-371-3191,
NEW YORK, Feb. 9, 2018 /Standard Newswire/ -- Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on a tweet yesterday by Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist and Fox News (forwarded to him by Catholic author Bill Doino):
If the public were asked about Lisa Page, most would not know who she is. If those who know who she is were asked in a word association game to identify what she is known for, they would likely name "FBI agent" and "adulteress." They should now add someone who hates pro-lifers.
On p. 13 of the Interim Report by Senator Ron Johnson, "The Clinton Email Scandal And The FBI's Investigation Of It," released Wednesday, February 7, there is an exchange between FBI senior lawyer Peter Strzok, Page's co-adulterer, and her about pro-life Americans. Referring to the 2016 March for Life, Page admits that she "truly hate[s] these people."
Notice that Page did not merely disagree with the purpose of the March for Life, which is to protect the life of the unborn. No, she made it personal, expressing her hatred of pro-life men and women.
The media are not reporting on this at all. Why? One, as we have long known, most of the big media reporters and commentators are decidedly in the pro-abortion camp, and at least some of them share Page's hatred for pro-life Americans. Two, it would not make their side look good to report it.
If someone in the Trump administration were caught saying that he "truly hates these Planned Parenthood people," it would surely be reported; some would call for that person to resign.
The FBI's reputation has been seriously damaged over the past several months, and this only adds to it. This kind of rank partisanship is what we would expect from a law school chapter of the ACLU. That it is occurring at the FBI, in top-level positions, is a disgrace.