Coalition now includes 11 prominent pro-life organizations
Contact: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, 540-538-4741; Jill Stanek, 815-274-2744
WASHINGTON, April 2, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- Eleven local and national pro-life groups plan a major demonstration on Thursday, May 7, at 12:00 p.m., at Republican Speaker John Boehner's office if by that time the U.S. House has not passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
This action follows up on a demonstration held March 25. Eight pro-lifers were arrested during a sit-in at Speaker Boehner's office, protesting the Republican-led House's failure to hold a vote on this important legislation. More than two months had passed since the vote promised for January 22, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, was canceled.
By all inside accounts, our first protest activated movement toward passing the Pain-Capable Act, when action had otherwise inexplicably stalled.
Our second protest, planned just after the three-month mark, will build on our momentum to demand passage of the Pain-Capable Act in the House, so it can progress to the Senate.
Participating groups at this point include:
CEC For Life
Christian Defense Coalition
Citizens for a Pro-Life Society
Created Equal
Defend Life
Issues4Life Foundation
Operation Rescue
Maryland Coalition for Life
Pro-Life Action League
Pro-Life Action Ministries
Statements from various group leaders:
"Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said, 'Justice delayed is justice denied,' and justice is being denied to the thousands of children who would be saved by this bill every year." - Reverend Pat Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition
"With the sweeping pro-life electoral victories in 2014, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act is exactly the kind of legislation pro-life voters are expecting from this Congress." - Monica Miller of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society
"Why are some pro-life Congressmen getting hung up on rape exceptions with this bill? This is a late-term abortion ban. Would anyone actually wait 5 months before deciding to abort a baby conceived in rape?" - Lori Hoye of Issues4Life Foundation
"We remain profoundly disappointed that this life-saving legislation has not moved forward. We respectfully call on Speaker Boehner and GOP House leadership to pass this life-saving bill." - Former RN Jill Stanek, who held a 21-week abortion survivor until he died.
"With the majority of Americans in support of banning late-term abortions on babies that are old enough to feel pain, there is no excuse for Congress to continue delaying a vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. We cannot remain silent since every day of delay is costing innocent lives." - Troy Newman of Operation Rescue
"Over 18,000 babies are aborted after 20 weeks every year in the United States, all feeling the agonizing torture of being pulled apart as they die." - Eric Scheidler of Pro-Life Action League
For more information contact:
Rev. Patrick Mahoney: 540.538.4741
Jill Stanek: 815.274.2744