Contact: Queta Aguilar, 210-614-7157,
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Feb. 4, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) recently rejected the Arkansas case which banned abortion after 12 weeks and the North Dakota case which banned abortion after six weeks. Both of these states had even offered, by law, to care for until adulthood every unwanted child so that any woman that wanted the liberty to be free of unwanted child care could do so.
These leaders agree with the statement: "We tremble for our country when we remember that God is just and that His justice never sleeps. We fear that the judgment of Almighty God, which is designed to be merciful, and the wrath of God, will come upon the United States of America. God hates the shedding of innocent blood." But there is hope for our nation if Christians will pray! "If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:13-14. We believe that the role of the SCOTUS is to affirm God given rights to every individual throughout ALL stages of LIFE.
We are calling for national prayers of repentance from February 3 to March 4. On January 22, the Jonas storm, which also means Jonah, hit Washington, D.C. That same day the Supreme Court denied North Dakota the right to ban abortion and help women with child care. We urge everyone to pray every day for the Supreme Court and America to repent. From February 3 to March 4, we are urging prayer groups to cooperate in mobilizing the Body of Christ to 24/7 non-stop prayer for the SCOTUS.
On March 2, the Supreme Court will hear the Texas case which calls for ambulatory surgical centers and hospital admitting privileges. We all will have another opportunity to repent for the sin of abortion through this case.
For prayer contact/information, please go to
Sara Ballenger
Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
Rudi Bam
Kadesh Ministries
Rhonda Barnes
Aftermath Ministries
Mark Beliles
America Transformation Company
Mike Bickle
International House of Prayer, Kansas City
Maryal Boumann
Gwen Bradley
Life on Wheels Prayer Ministry, Montgomery, AL
Maureen Bravo
Liberty Prayer Network
Joyce Zounis Brown
Voices of Truth
Pierre Bynum
Family Research Council
Peter Carlson
Pray Oregon
Samuel B. Casey
Law of Life Project
Virginia Chapman
Church Awakening Prayer Call
Cindy Collins & Rebecca Porter
Operation Outcry
Jeffrey Daly
National Day of Repentance
Michael Dowling & Anne Trumbo
San Francisco House of Prayer for All Nations
Bev Dennen
ASK Network
Chris & Dorothy Dundas
House of Accord
Dallas Eggemeyer
Lightbearers International
Mark Gonzales
United States Hispanic Prayer and Action Network
Dai Sup Han
Prayer Surge NOW!
Lewis & Rachel Hogan
United Cry
Lois Hogan
Jefferson City Healing Community, MO
Jason Hubbard
Light of the World Prayer Center
Taechin "TC" Kim
Transform USA
Alveda King
African American Outreach, Priests for Life
Dave Kubal & Kris Kubal
Intercessors for America
Rick Lindsay
Encourage Men to Pray
Matt Lockett
Bound4LIFE International
Sarah Lowe
Watchmen of the Night
Donna Matts
Biblical Marriage
Dennis McKirahan
U.S. National Prayer Council, Ohio
Elizabeth McKirahan
Shofar Call International
Richard & Mary "Gerri" Morris
Mary Germain International Ministries, Inc.
Paul & Britainie Nelson
Prayer Mountain Dallas
Allan Parker & Fritz Steiger
The Justice Foundation
John Robb
International Prayer Connect
World Prayer Assembly 2012
Ann Quest
Unity Quest
Cheryl Risch
Pray Central Valley
Fred & Susan Rowe
USA Watch/Global Watch
Transform World Celebration Challenge
Carol Sewell
Generation to Generation,
Tom Schlueter
Prince of Peace House of Prayer
Texas Apostolic Prayer Network
Dick Simmons & Bill Landers
Men for Nations
Ren Vandesteeg
Blue Skies of Texas West
Bob Williamson
The Jesus Alliance