Contact: Rhonda Price, 561-371-9407; Tamera Herrod, 561-753-2933
MEDIA ADVISORY, Feb. 7 /Standard Newswire/ -- February is Healthy Heart month and there's no better way to observe it than by celebrating Valentine's Day. Making a few simple changes such as eating organic chocolate, avoiding arguments, and practicing forgiveness can keep your heart in excellent condition according to New York Times best selling author Jordan Rubin.
Tips for a healthy heart and more valuable health insights are included in Rubin's latest book, The Great Physician's Rx for Women's Health (Thomas Nelson publishers) with co-authors Nicki Rubin and Dr. Pancheta Wilson.
Chocoholics can now rejoice at Rubin's suggestion that chocolate is a girl's best friend and indulging does not have to be a guilty pleasure. The key is to eat organic chocolate free of pesticides to reap optimal health benefits. With sales of organic chocolate racking up $70 million annually, more people are opting for organic confections.
"A lot of chocolate has empty calories and very little nutritional value," explains Rubin. "But dark, organic chocolate is high in antioxidants and releases endorphins and serotonin, which both act as antidepressants."
Rubin recommends Garden of Life's Rainforest Cacao Chocolate harvested from the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest because of its heart healthy antioxidants and because the brand uses certified fair-trade and fair-wage cacao, which helps save rainforest habitats.
"How can you feel guilty if you're eating organic chocolate that packs a health punch and supports the rainforest at the same time?" asks Rubin, whose books such as The Maker's Diet and The Great Physician's Rx for a Healthy Heart have sold millions of copies.
Rubin also suggests that Valentine's Day is the perfect time to rekindle that lovin' feeling because fighting with your spouse or sweetie can damage your heart. Research confirmed by a
More than anything else, Rubin advises opening your heart and forgiving anyone who may have wronged you in the past. Holding a grudge and having an unforgiving spirit can literally lead to a broken heart, according to Rubin.
"I believe an unforgiving heart is a factor in many chronic health problems," contends Rubin. "Everyone has people who have wronged them, but holding on to anger and bitterness for years will destroy your health. Ask God to help you forgive anyone who has hurt you in the past and you'll be amazed at how much better you will feel."
For more health tips from The Great Physician's Rx for Women's Health, go to www.JordanRubin.com