Contact: Bob Fu, China Aid Association, Inc., 267-205-5210, info@ChinaAid.org; www.chinaaid.org; www.monitorchina.org
MIDLAND, Texas, Mar. 6 /Standard Newswire/ -- China Aid Association has learned local police raided a house church Bible study in Wancheng District, Nanyang city, Henan province on March 6, 2007. Thirty-four Chinese Christian leaders and three church leaders from
Photo: Arrested Pastor Dong Quanyu
According to eyewitnesses, the raid happened around 2:00 pm (local time) when these Christian leaders from Chinese House Church Alliance were having their Bible study with three pastors from
"We urge the Chinese government to immediately release these innocent Chinese and Korean church leaders," Pastor Bob Fu, the president of China Aid Association said.
Contact the PSB office of
Police Special Squad Director Mr. Chang Keying: +86-13837767278 (cell phone)
Deputy PSB Director Mr. Lu (on religious affairs): +86-13603778696(cell phone)
PSB office Tel: +86-377-63311110