7 out of 10 Americans Support the Heartbeat Bill

H.R. 490 to be discussed on U.S. House floor this week
Contact: Janet Porter, 202-241-2ACT (2228); Rachelle Heidlebaugh, 419-348-4787; Lori Viars, 513-932-4952
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- A stunning new national poll conducted by the Barna Group* reveals that seven out of ten Americans, 69 percent, agree with the premise of the federal Heartbeat Bill: "If a doctor is able to detect the heartbeat of an unborn baby, that unborn baby should be legally protected." H.R. 490, which would protect unborn children whose heartbeats can be heard, is supported by 86 percent of Republicans, 61 percent of Independents, and even a majority of Democrats--55 percent. The Heartbeat Bill and the poll results will be discussed on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday, February 16th.
"The heartbeat is the medical measurement of life," stated Janet Porter, President of Faith2Action and author of the Heartbeat Bill, first introduced in Ohio in 2011. "It's the reason you've never been to the funeral of someone with a heartbeat."
Porter explained, "Like an SOS telegraph, the child in the womb is sending a signal we can no longer ignore. To deny it is to deny science."
"The Heartbeat Bill has given a voice to babies in the womb and to mothers like me who were never told about their unborn child's beating heart before taking their life," said Rachelle Heidlebaugh, Legislative Director of Faith2Action, who has experienced the heartbreak of an abortion.
"You can help keep hearts beating by sending 'Valentines' to Congress, encouraging their support for the Heartbeat Bill," said Lori Viars, of Warren County Right to Life. "You can click to mail pro-life 'Valentines' to all 535 members of Congress for the price of postage at www.HeartBeatBill.com."
"I urge Congress to pass the common sense Heartbeat Bill--the first step to make America safe again," added Porter.
*The Barna Group surveyed 1,002 adults with a sampling error of +/- 3.1 percentage points. The survey was conducted from January 19-27, 2017.