Contact: Media Coordinator, Operation Save America (OSA), 254-644 9766
LOUISVILLE, Ky., July 21, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- Operation Save America (OSA) Director Rusty Thomas has issued this brief statement regarding the restraining order and more information will be forthcoming after the hearing scheduled by Judge Hale on Monday morning.
"The order by Judge Hale establishes a temporary zone in front of the EMW abortion mill that prevents 11 defendants and any others acting in concert with them from occupying a specific and temporary zone intending or attempting to physically block access (ingress or egress) to the abortion mill. The order specifically states that it does not restrict ANY lawful, First Amendment activities on the public sidewalk either outside of or within the designated zone by others.
"OSA leaders have stated over and over again to the local police, the state and federal judiciary that no further rescues (the physical blocking of access to the death camp) will recur, reiterating that the rescue at the EMW death camp on May 13 was for a specific purpose and that purpose has been accomplished.
"Fortunately, we do not see that anything in Judge Hale's order hinders any of our planned, lawful, First Amendment activities to minister, since the temporary restraining order specifically states that the free and uninterrupted exercise of these rights is still permitted allowing OSA members and the public to minister to anyone anywhere upon the public sidewalks.
"Therefore, we encourage the Church of Jesus Christ to join us in lawfully assembling to worship, praise and make public proclamation without fear of any arrest, or restrictions imposed upon our public assembly including the continued outreach to rescue preborn children and their families from destruction." -- Operation Save America (OSA) Director Rusty Thomas
Interviews should be scheduled in advance by calling: (254) 644 9766