With today's debut of the first in its groundbreaking six-part social media video series, Save the Storks encourages 55 million post-abortive men to share their stories with the world this Father's Day
Contact: 323-379-5180, Press@SaveTheStorks.com
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., June 12, 2018 /Standard Newswire/ -- Save the Storks, a pro-life organization partnering with pregnancy resource centers to empower women with choice during pregnancy, has captured the imagination of millions with its innovative fleet of luxury mobile medical vehicles, known as Stork buses. To date, Save the Storks has helped build 43 buses, with over 4,000 women choosing to keep their babies.
Today, on the heels of its widely-covered Mother's Day Campaign, Save the Storks is announcing a five-part #ChooseFatherhood social video series in which four men are breaking their silence for the first time, sharing deeply personal abortion stories, and encouraging others to do the same.
"Over many years, I've shared my personal abortion story all over the country. Nearly every time I speak, men privately come up to me afterward and share their deep anguish, grief, and sense of loss. They tell me 'don't forget about us, don't forget about the men.' Post-abortive fathers have for too long suffered in silence, and their stories need to be part of the national conversation. Today, as four men boldly step out and share their stories publicly for the first time, we want all post-abortive fathers to know they're not alone, they're not forgotten, and they don't have to be silent anymore," said Victoria Robinson, Director of External Relations at Save the Storks. "We're asking men to do two things, watch these videos, and then publicly share their stories in social media this Father's Day, so that others will not repeat their mistakes, and their painful losses will not be in vain."
How #ChooseFatherhood Works
- Beginning today, Save the Storks is posting one video per day through Father's Day on Sunday, June 17th.
- In social media, each video is posted on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
- Save the Storks has also created a website where men can anonymously share their stories at SaveTheStorks.com/ChooseFatherhood
Storks by the Numbers
- 79% of women say they weren't counseled on options outside of abortion.
- 64% of women who chose abortion say they felt pressured by others to abort.
- 4 out of 5 women who board a Stork Bus choose life for their baby.
SAVE THE STORKS is a pro-life organization partnering with pregnancy resource centers to empower women with choice during pregnancy. The organization has captured the imagination of millions with its innovative fleet of luxury mobile medical vehicles, known as the Stork Bus. To date, Save the Storks has helped fund 43 buses, with 4,000 women choosing to keep their babies.