Contact: Vanity Jackson,
NORFOLK, Va., Oct. 18, 2018 /Standard Newswire/ -- After running unsuccessfully for nomination to the US Senate in Virginia, E.W. Jackson was asked by supporters whether he would endorse Corey Stewart, his former rival for the nomination. Jackson responded that he had not been asked, and that his policy has always been to consider only those candidates who ask for his endorsement.
In a break from that approach, Jackson has endorsed every Republican candidate who is running in Virginia. Says Jackson, "Corey did call me, but I had already made up my mind to endorse him and all the other candidates running for Congress. It's not my usual practice but these are unusual times."
In a video posted on Facebook and YouTube, the Bishop lists each candidate he is endorsing by name. He says, "I am enthusiastically supporting them all, and I will do anything they need me to do." However, he offers special expressions of friendship for Ryan McAdams in the 4th District and Dave Brat in the 7th: "Both asked for my help early on. I consider them personal friends and I want to especially acknowledge the importance of their races."
"I know that these candidates were not the first choice for all of you," he says with a chuckle, "because I was the first choice for Senate for some of you. But we have to put all of that behind us. What is most important now is to send people to Congress who will support President Trump's agenda. Some of these Republicans might not vote with the President all of the time. But we know that Democrats will vote with the President none of the time."
Jackson urges supporters to make phone calls, contribute, knock on doors and vote. "If Democrats take over Congress, they will impeach the President. If they do so, it will precipitate a Constitutional crisis unlike anything since the Civil War. We must not let that happen."
Watch Endorsements Video Here
Bishop E.W. Jackson Releases Video Endorsing Entire Slate of Republican Candidates in Virginia