Abortion Violation: America's Premier National Security Issue

Contact: Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, 254-715-3134
WACO, Texas, July 1, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- With the recent media furor surrounding Houston abortionist Douglas Karpen and Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell's atrocities, abortion related violations are front and center. Are these violations isolated incidents or symptomatic of greater violations? According Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, a Waco area minister and author of the new book, Abortion Violation: America's Premier National Security Issue, "These abortionists and their brutality are just the tip of the iceberg. The intrinsic nature of abortion is violation."
Thomas argues, "Abortion is a violator. It violates the sacred and the natural. It violates the credibility of the church and the state's sacred trust to protect life. It violates motherhood, fatherhood, and families. It violates the medical profession and the health of women. Abortion violates everything it touches. The child in the womb is merely one victim. Yes, there are things that abortion does not violate. There are things in which it actually enables--things like greed, selfishness, and blood lust, which strengthen man's inhumanity against man."
Published by Tate Publishing and Enterprises, Abortion Violation is a prolife reference book. Fourteen to-the-point chapters, written in conversational style, expose an area of life, which abortion violates--personhood, family, law, God, true spirituality, the kingdom of God, the church, government, the medical profession, the biblical doctrine of blood guiltiness, race relations, the political left, the health of women, and the future.
In logical and concise form, Thomas provides the theological context to warn our nation that abortion is indeed America's Premier National Security Issue. It is written in the hopes that many hearts will be touched, minds would be changed, and abortion will go the way of every other murderous injustice that has plagued the sons of men throughout mankind's bloody history. A good reference for pro-lifers, home-schools, Bible studies, small groups studies, and law and history students; it retails for $24.99. The book is available on Amazon, Tate Publishing, or can be ordered on-line at www.elijahmin.com.