Contact: Colin Mason, Population Research Institute, 540-622-5240 ext. 209, pri@pop.org
FRONT ROYAL, Va., Jan. 28 /Standard Newswire/ -- Population Research Institute has released the third video in its series on YouTube, this time focusing on the overwhelming youth presence at this year's March for Life.
Photo: Scene from new video
"To the best of my knowledge, this kind of video has never been done before," says Colin Mason, Director for Media Production at PRI. "This video documents the March for Life, but from the unique viewpoint of
The video, introduced by PRI president Steven Mosher, takes to the streets of
Colin Mason says that he wants the video to be a witness to members of the pro-choice movement who think that they have
This video, entitled "Population Research Institute – Part III", is available by typing the words "Population Research Institute" into the YouTube search engine, or by visiting PRI's web site: www.pop.org.
The Population Research Institute (PRI) was founded in 1989 by Fr. Paul Marx, OSB, PhD and is dedicated to: (1) ending human rights abuses committed in the name of "family planning", (2) opposing outdated social and economic paradigms premised on the myth of overpopulation, (3) informing the public about the social and economic benefits of moderate population growth, and (4) promoting pro-natal and pro-family attitudes and policies worldwide. Steven Mosher is the author of numerous books, including A Mother's Ordeal, available in 11 languages.