Contact: Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, 212-371-3191, pr@catholicleague.org
NEW YORK, April 28, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- Bill Donohue (photo) explains why he opposes a boycott of Israel:
I am happy that my Jewish friends have asked for the support of the Catholic League in protesting the inclusion of Boycott Israel groups in the Israel Day Parade. We are glad to lend our support. The "100 Shofars Rally," which is being held to protest this issue, will take place on April 29 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in front of the UJA-Federation Building at 130 E. 59th Street (between Park and Lexington).
The obscene, and totally hypocritical, sponsorship of the Boycott Israel campaign picked up steam last December when the American Studies Association voted to boycott Israel's institutions of higher education. If these people were interested in justice, they would commend Israel, not condemn it.
The Jewish community can depend on the support of the Catholic League in protesting all Boycott Israel campaigns.