Contact: Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, Operation Save America, 254-715-3134
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Nov. 17, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- This is the statement given by Operation Save America's National Director, Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, during yesterday's press conference in support of Roy Moore in Birmingham, Alabama.
First, I'd like to address the Chief. Those who are gathered here are not your fair weather friends or sunshine patriots. We are brothers and sisters in Christ who love and care deeply for you and your precious family.
We want you to know that you still have many friends across this nation who refuse to jump on the political bandwagon in order to distance themselves from you or throw you under the bus during this difficult time.
Secondly, those who made these accusations know the statute of limitation has long passed and the accused will have no chance to face his accusers in a court of law to prove innocence or guilt.These accusations are for one reason only and that is to try Roy Moore in the court of public opinion in the hopes of derailing his campaign for senate in the state of Alabama. The timing is incredibly suspicious and the usual suspects that have helped to beat the drum in the media are clearly promoting a political witch hunt. They do not want Roy Moore in Washington, DC. They know that he will work to break up their good ole boy network of swamp dwellers that have had a stranglehold on our beleaguered nation for years.
Thirdly, Roy Moore is one of the most scrutinized public figures in America today. He has gone up against the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ACLU, the Democratic establishment and now, he is up against the Republican establishment. They have spent millions of dollars to dig up dirt to defeat this man throughout his career. And now that he is on the verge of winning the senate seat, they parade all these "Johnny-come-lately" accusers to orchestrate a smear campaign to besmirch him. I'm not buying what these scandal mongers are selling and would encourage you not to but it either.
Lastly, I would like to address the citizens of Alabama. This is your state and Roy Moore is your native son. Do not let Washington, DC, California, and New York dictate to you their preferred outcome in this race. You know Roy Moore. You know his family, his character, his principles, his heritage, and his commitment to God and the importance of righteousness to secure a future and a hope for our nation. Do not flinch or hesitate on December 12th. Send the strongest possible message to the powers that be, Alabama will not bow nor kiss the ring of political hacks who have sold their souls to the devil to maintain their political power. And as you pull the lever to vote for Roy Moore, please remember your theme song, Sweet Home Alabama, "Southern man don't need you around anyhow."