The January 2008 issue's special politics section features a national readers poll with surprising results
Contact: Betsy Hickman, Marketing Director, RELEVANT Media Group, 407-660-1411, betsy@relevantmediagroup.com
MEDIA ADVISORY, Jan. 16 /Standard Newswire/ -- With the Presidential primaries heating up, the January 2008 issue of RELEVANT magazine reveals that many 18- to 34-year-old Christians are breaking with traditional evangelical voting trends to seek a more nuanced political approach. In addition to articles by authors Jim Wallis and Joel Hunter examining the role faith plays in the American political arena, the magazine announces the results of a national readers poll RELEVANT conducted in November and December, 2007. Among many intentionally humorous questions are some eye-opening results, including:
- 59 percent of readers feel that the government should fund national healthcare.
- 63 percent felt churches should not be allowed to support candidates.
- 46 percent of readers picked Hillary Clinton as the least Christian candidate.
- 28 percent of readers felt that Barack Obama was the candidate Jesus would be most likely to vote for. Second was Mike Huckabee with 24 percent.
- Most important issues: 39% illegal immigration, 22% abortion, 19% bioethics, 12% church and state, 8% gay rights
- Least important issues: 37% gay rights, 27% church and state, 15% bioethics, 11% abortion, 10% illegal immigration
"The readers poll confirmed things we've been hearing for quite some time," RELEVANT founder and publisher Cameron Strang said. "Young Christians simply don't seem to feel a connection to the traditional religious right. Many differ strongly on domestic policy issues, namely issues that affect the poor, and are dissatisfied with
"In general, we're seeing that twentysomething Christians hold strongly to conservative moral values, but at the same time don't feel that their personal moral beliefs need to be legislated to people who don't agree with them. It's an interesting paradox, and is creating clear division between this generation and the religious right."
For the full poll results, copies of the January 2008 issue of RELEVANT, or to arrange an interview with Cameron Strang, please contact Betsy Hickman at betsy@relevantmediagroup.com or 407-660-1411.
For more information, visit www.relevantmagazine.com/magazine_current_issue.php. To download a high-resolution cover image, visit www.relevantmediagroup.com/mediakit.
RELEVANT Media Group is a multimedia company whose purpose is to impact culture and show that a relationship with God is relevant and essential to a fulfilled life. Publishing magazines, websites and multimedia targeting the 18- to 34-year-old demographic, RELEVANT has quickly become recognized as the market leader in reaching spiritually focused twentysomethings. RELEVANT also features RELEVANT.tv, a broadband music video channel, and the weekly RELEVANT Podcast, a behind-the-scenes look at news, issues and entertainment with the magazine's editors. For more information, visit www.relevantmediagroup.com.