Powerful Book Trailer Causes a Media Firestorm, So. Cal. Pastor says 'The Church is Losing Her Light'
Contact: Shane Idleman, 661-524-6610; www.ShaneIdleman.com
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 20, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- Shane Idleman (photo) releases the following and is available for comment:
"With rapid fire changes within a culture saturated by political correctness and relativism, we are inclined to ask if there is any hope for America. If we continue down this slippery slope, there is little hope. Apart from a national spiritual awakening, it will be difficult to turn the Titanic around--the vessel has been struck; what's inside is spilling out. But if God brings revival...if we once again set our hearts and minds on Him...there is tremendous hope. Revival means to awaken, restore, renew, or repair. In churches across America, crowd appeal and pleasing the masses tends to be the goal rather than calling out destructive lifestyles, which can result in revival and renewal.
"A deathlike, deep slumber, has overtaken the church: "I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead" (Revelation 3:1). The beacon of light has faded, the salt has lost its savor, and the message of the cross has been edited out of most sermons. We have lost our fervor for the truth. Have we considered that we may have offended God?"
More can be found at www.WCFAV.org and www.ShaneIdleman.com