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'Blood Money Trail' to Call Out Corruption

Contact: Lauren Handy, Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, 434-420-9634,

SACRAMENTO, Calif., April 13, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- The Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust is demanding that Kamala Harris, Attorney General of California, resign after she authorized a raid on whistleblower David Daleiden's home last week.

Since last Summer, Daleiden, of the Center for Medical Progress, has been releasing videos from his undercover investigation into Planned Parenthood which give reasonable cause for an official investigation into Planned Parenthood concerning the legality of its fetal harvesting program.

"Instead of investigating Planned Parenthood, Harris is going after the whistleblower.  I guess no good deed goes unpunished," said Rev. James Conrad, Director of Outreach with Survivors.

Conrad added, "In March, Harris was criticized by the Los Angeles Times for taking too long to indict Daleiden.  In our opinion, this is missing the point.  Harris should uphold the law, period.  If Daleiden broke the law, prosecute him.  But that goes the same for Planned Parenthood.  It seems pretty obvious to me from the videos that Planned Parenthood was haggling over the harvested body parts, which proves they are selling them for consideration.  It doesn't cost Planned Parenthood much to let a harvesting firm come in, so why the haggling?  That's illegal.  We're upset at the double standard."

"In contrast," said an email from Life Legal Defense Fund, "when an undercover investigation of a meat-packing plant revealed potential violations of the law, Kamala Harris defended legislation to stop the barbaric treatment of animals. At no time did the Attorney General's office call for an investigation into the undercover journalist who exposed the illegal activity."

The Survivors are co-hosting a rally at 11:00 AM in front of the AG's office, 1300 I St, Sacramento, to call attention to the fact that the California AG is supposed to be the State's "chief law officer" with the duty "to ensure that the laws of the state are uniformly and adequately enforced" (California Constitution, Article V, Section 13).  "If she won't do her job, she shouldn't have it.  Nobody likes people like that," said Bobby Bullock, veteran Survivors activist.

"These laws against selling baby body parts for profit are there for a reason, to keep abortionists honest, to make sure abortions aren't incentivized, so that women will be given all the information about all the options, not influencing them toward the one they profit from," said Sheila Jimenez, Survivors' part-time activist, full-time mom.

Jimenez further noted, "And guess who's getting a share in those profits... That's right, Kamala Harris!  She has received $81,000 from Planned Parenthood in campaign contributions.  That's a conflict of interest, that's corruption."

After the rally, Survivors will host a "Blood Money Trail," a peaceful, prophetic, performance protest to make the connection to the public.

Conrad added, "The Bible records that a wise man once said, 'Partiality in judging is not good.  Whoever says to the wicked, 'You are in the right,' will be cursed by peoples, abhorred by nations, but those who rebuke the wicked will have delight, and a good blessing will come upon them.'  Today these verses from Proverbs (24:23-25) are being fulfilled."

The Survivors are young people of this generation, directly affected by the horror of this holocaust because it happened to us -- we are its target.  Abortion has claimed the lives of our classmates, our friends, our brothers and sisters.  It is our obligation to tell their story and compel the world to recognize us as the Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust.

WHAT:  Anti-Corruption Protest

WHEN: Wednesday, April 13 at 12:00 p.m.

WHERE: Outside the AG's office in Sacramento

ADDRESS: 1300 I St, Sacramento, CA 95814

MAP: Google Map