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Senior Pastor of Christ Fellowship Church Todd Mullins Delivers a Hopeful Message Amid a Sea of Doubt

Charisma Media
Jan. 24, 2025

LAKE MARY, Fla., Jan. 24, 2025 /Standard Newswire/ —Todd Mullins urges everyone to take doubt seriously before it disrupts and destroys our lives. Doubt has always been and always will be within us, but whether we choose to let it control us or not is the all-important question.

In his book, Don’t Let Doubt Take You Out, Todd Mullins draws from personal stories and Biblical accounts that seeks to strengthen our confidence in Christ and weaken our confusion in ourselves (ISBN-13: 978-1-63641-434-8).

“All it took was one jarring moment on the mountain for me to be in the grip of doubt,” Mullins said.

After a horrific accident on a mountain in Cleveland, Mullins questioned everything about his life: His ability to make decisions, protect his wife, and even believe in God’s promises for their future. It only takes one time for everything you think you know to crumble in front of you.

“While doubt doesn’t have the power to cause bodily injury or death, it does have the power to crush your spirit.”

Doubt is a tool of the enemy—a seed implanted in our minds to distract and divert us away from the truth and God. “If doubt is a seed, then fear is the fruit,” Mullins stated. The fruit of fear is ugly, materializing as insecurity and anxiety. And these fears will continue to bear such ungodly fruit until we secure and believe in our freedom through Jesus Christ.

“I believe with all my heart that God wants to do more in your life than you can hope, think or imagine, but you are going to have to make room,” Mullins said.

God calls His children to increase, expand, and stretch—not to decrease, contract, and withdraw.

Todd Mullins is the senior pastor of Christ Fellowship Church, one of the top ten largest churches in America. Under the leadership of Mullins and his wife, Julie, Christ Fellowship has grown into a multisite congregation that gathers on sixteen campus locations across South Florida, with thousands more joining each week online. Mullins also serves on the lead team of the Association of Related Churches (ARC), a global church-planting organization, and on the board of directors for Place of Hope Children’s Home in South Florida, which cares for children and families in the foster care system. Mullins frequently speaks at churches and conferences around the globe, sharing his mission and vision for impacting the world with the love and message of Jesus Christ.

Keep in touch with Mullins
Facebook: @CFimpact
YouTube: @toddmullins812
Instagram: @jtoddmullins

Title: Don’t Let Doubt Take You Out: Replacing Fear and Doubt With Faith and Truth | Release Date: February 11, 2025 | Retail: $19.99 | ISBN-13: 978-1-63641-434-8 | E-Book ISBN: 978-1-63641-435-5 | Binding: Trade Paper | Size: 5.5” x 8.25” x 0.64” | Page Count: 256 | Hometown: Palm Beach Gardens, Florida | BISAC Category: RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspiration, RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth, & RELIGION / Christian Living / General

To interview Mullins or for a review copy, please contact

SOURCE Charisma Media