America's Largest Medical Waste Hauler Cancels Hundreds of Contracts with Planned Parenthood and Other Abortion Companies
Contact: Mark Harrington, National Director, Created Equal, 614-419-9000,
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Aug. 10, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- In 2016, Created Equal launched #ProjectWeakLink aimed at forcing Stericycle, America's largest medical waste hauler, to cease disposing of aborted fetuses for Planned Parenthood. After the launch of the project, Stericycle sued Created Equal and its director, Mark Harrington. After a six-month court battle, with the help of the Thomas More Society, Stericycle dropped all the charges.
To find out more on #ProjectWeakLink and the Stericycle lawsuit, click HERE.
In May 2017, we wrote Charles Alutto, Stericycle's CEO, requesting information on the status of Stericycle's relationship with Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.
Here is an excerpt from Mr. Alutto's response dated June 1, 2017:
"In addition to complying with all laws and regulations, the waste acceptance policy clearly specifies that Stericycle does not accept fetuses. While your organization may argue that our policy applies only to intact fetuses, we interpret and apply the policy more broadly to include all fetal remains.
"Beyond our policy, we require supplemental assurances in writing that they (health care facilities) have licensed providers for fetal remains. When customers are not willing to provide this certification, we do not provide services. We have cancelled hundreds of contracts with women's clinics since this certification process was implemented several years ago."
Here are the takeaways from #ProjectWeakLink:
· Historically, Stericycle, either by neglect or intent, did not strictly enforce their medical waste protocol which was meant to refuse fetal remains. Therefore, in practice, Stericycle had been providing services to abortion clinics to dispose of aborted babies.
· Because of the attention brought by Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and #ProjectWeakLink to Stericycle's involvement in disposing of fetal remains, Stericycle disclosed (see pages four and five of the amended complaint) that they recently cancelled hundreds of contracts (over 400 in the past few years) with abortion facilities.
· The small number of Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities currently serviced by Stericycle are subject to the waste acceptance protocol and provide supplemental assurances as mentioned above. Therefore, this has made Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry take on the difficult task of finding waste companies willing to dispose of aborted babies. As evidenced by this video, many facilities are having difficulty doing so.
Created Equal's Statement:
"Thanks in large to our partners at the Thomas More Society, Stericycle has taken a vital first step in the process of ceasing its involvement with the abortion cartel. We will 'trust but verify' Stericycle's claims regarding their refusal to dispose of fetal remains from abortion companies. However, they are still providing other waste services to a small number of abortion centers and therefore will remain, for now, an enabler of Planned Parenthood and child-killing. Therefore, we remain committed to persuading Stericycle to dump Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry altogether." – Mark Harrington, National Director, Created Equal