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Ukrainian Council Approves Establishment of an Annual National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer Task Force
Feb. 12, 2025

KYIV, Ukraine, Feb. 12, 2025 /Standard Newswire/ -- In a historic move, the Ukrainian Council today approved Resolution No. 12412 establishing a National Day of Prayer in Ukraine. This landmark decision makes Ukraine the second nation in the world to establish God and national prayer into its public law. The newly designated day will be celebrated annually on February 24, with Ukraine’s Parliament commencing its session on that day by performing the spiritual anthem “God the Great, the One.”

In December 2024, amidst the ongoing Russia–Ukraine conflict, a delegation from the United States representing the National Day of Prayer Task Force visited Ukraine. During their visit, National Day of Prayer Task Force Board Chairman Geoff Eckart, board member David Kubal, and retired U.S. Congressman and Ambassador Tony Hall met with government officials, military leaders, and faith community representatives. Their mission was to offer support and encouragement for the establishment of an annual day of national prayer that would unite the country in hope and spiritual unity.

Following that visit, Ukrainian lawmakers authored and registered the resolution that would pave the way for the annual National Day of Prayer. Drawing inspiration from the United States’ longstanding tradition—originally established in 1952 under Public Law 82-324, Sec. 119 and later amended in 1988 through Public Law 100-307, co-sponsored by then-Congressman Tony Hall, which designated the First Thursday in May as the National Day of Prayer—Ukraine’s new observance is seen as a beacon of spiritual unity and acknowledgment of our need for God. It was noted that the resolution received overwhelming support in parliament, being backed by 255 members.

Geoff Eckart reflected today by stating, “The enactment of a National Day of Prayer in Ukraine will be a blessing to this country, and I believe the impact of this law will echo far beyond their borders into the world.” While Tony Hall remarked, “I’m very excited about Ukraine passing a designated Day of Prayer. They’re the second country in the world to do so. When a country humbles itself before God, He has to be pleased.”

Kathy Branzell, President of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, shared, “This day marks a legacy moment, as now there are two countries who have passed a law, setting aside a specific day every year for prayer. We are deeply grateful to our friend and champion Ambassador Tony Hall, NDPTF Board of Directors Chairman Geoff Eckart, and longtime board member Dave Kubal for their support and sacrifice throughout this journey. May God be glorified as our prayers are multiplied!”

As Ukraine embarks on this historic new chapter, attention also turns to the United States, where Thursday, May 1, 2025, will mark the 74th annual observance of the National Day of Prayer, with the call to “Pour Out to the God of Hope and Be Filled,” based on Romans 15:13. This year, millions of Americans are expected to engage in tens of thousands of local prayer gatherings coordinated by nearly 19,000 volunteer organizers across every state and U.S. territory. The National Day of Prayer broadcast is slated to reach 110 million homes in the United States and 2.2 billion people worldwide.

For more information about the National Day of Prayer, visit

SOURCE The National Day of Prayer Task Force

CONTACT: Dion Elmore, 719-559-9574,