Contact: Charlotte Flint, Senior Media Officer, WaterAid.org, 020 8943 7986, 07949 181414, 07710 573749, charlottegodber@wateraid.org
Photo: WaterAid Chief Executive, Barbara Frost, wouldn't drink this. Would you? Credit WaterAid
The Prime Minister and Gordon Brown's efforts to promote universal access to primary education have been laudable. However, many girls are unable to take advantage of improvements in schooling as they are condemned to hours of labour fetching water every day.
Donor efforts to strengthen primary healthcare are also chronically undermined by the prevalence of diarrhoeal diseases attributable to poor water and sanitation. Sufferers of these types of disease currently take up half of the world’s hospital beds.
It’s no wonder that the poor consistently cite access to water and sanitation amongst their top three development priorities, often putting it first.
The global End Water Poverty campaign launches today. It aims to make the voices of people without water and sanitation heard in decision-making affecting their communities. We hope many others will join us in making sure the G8 and others listen and act.
Barbara Frost
Matthew Frost
Doctor Caroline Harper OBE