Contact: Wanda L. Sanchez, Full Phase Media, 209-534-0335, interviews@fullphasemedia.com
MEDIA ADVISORY, Nov. 13 /Standard Newswire / -- "Although there is little we can do about a clergyman's ability or desire to commit an act of misconduct or abuse, we can as a nation reduce their opportunity to do so by being aware of what's happening around us and sounding the alarm for others. Everything is important. Our number one priority is safety and security in all religious settings," warns Wisocki.
"As awareness builds", notes Mr. Szajnecki, "bridges are built. Share our book with just one other person, and the bridge begins. Building a church community that is aware of the possibility of clergy misconduct will equip congregants and church leadership to better deal with the issue."
The epidemic of school teachers that victimize children is always in the news because schools, for the most part, are public institutions. However, such is not the case with churches. "We've all seen it. Oftentimes, the church's first response is to deny and cover up an accusation. It's important to bring awareness to the public and congregants in order to protect every American family. We must always remain vigilant and exercise caution when entering a place of worship or a place where clergy have the opportunity to isolate a child or vulnerable adult," states Ms. Wisocki.
Szajnecki says, "Our book thoroughly documents the events leading to the horrific and tragic destruction of a normal American family. But it doesn't stop there. It also clearly points to the fact that truth is paramount. Most importantly, this book offers awareness, hope and healing."
For more information about Innocence Betrayed: A Dad's Story of Clergy Misconduct, visit www.innocencebetrayedbyclergy.com. To book an interview with the authors, call Wanda at 209-534-0335 or email your request to interviews@fullphasemedia.com.