Long time prison minister Marty Angelo again offers his help to troubled actress.
Contact: Marty Angelo, 805-405-8174; www.martyangelo.com
HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 3, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- "Liz and Dick" movie star Lindsay Lohan was offered another chance at turning her life around after she was arrested for punching a woman in a New York City nightclub and also charged on the same day with three misdemeanors in California.
Prison Minister and author Marty Angelo has reached out to Lohan for a fourth time trying to convince the troubled star to enter and complete a one year faith-based residential treatment program for her substance abuse problems.
Angelo has followed Lohan's various arrests since he was first contacted back in 2006 by Lohan's father, Michael who asked Angelo to reach out to help his daughter, Lindsay.
Angelo sent her letters and a copy of his autobiography, "Once Life Matters: A New Beginning" and also contacted the judge and attorneys in charge of Lindsay's DUI case at that time offering to serve any jail/prison/probation time she was sentenced to if the former child star would enter and complete a one-year women's faith based residential treatment program. He made the same offer two other times but unfortunately Lohan never accepted them and her problems have continued to escalate.
"The wonderful thing about faith-based programs is they all have proven track records." Angelo remarked in a recent radio interview. "These programs work and have totally changed thousands of lives for decades. All boost upwards of a 86% success rate."
Angelo firmly believes that as soon as someone places their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, that person begins to change from the inside out because they now have Christ himself living in them.
"It is not about rehabilitation," Angelo continued "but Christian regeneration."
Angelo hopes and prays that Lohan will take that step of faith and get serious about changing and accepting God's true plan and purpose for her life. Angelo is again willing to serve any jail or prison time a judge will sentence her to if she agrees to his offer.
Marty Angelo has worked in prison and substance rehab ministry for over 30 years. He served time himself for cocaine possession back in 1980 after working for 15 years in the entertainment business.
Angelo became a Christian a few months after his drug bust and prior to serving 2 1/2 years in a federal prison. For more information see www.martyangelo.com