"He who rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God" (2 Samuel 23:3b)
Contact: Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, 254-715-3134; Pastor Matt Trewhella, 262-370-2954
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. 1, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- From Nov. 1st-4th, Operation Save America will conduct a regional event. The theme for this conference is called "Leaders a Time like This Demands!" There will be rallies held for four nights from Wednesday, Nov. 1st-Saturday, Nov. 4th, at the Aletheia Church, 7816 S. Madison Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46227. The rallies start at 6:30 p.m. and all our welcome to attend.
There will be street activities in the morning as Christians take the salt out of the salt shaker and the light from under the bushel to confront the culture of death with the Gospel of the Kingdom. In the afternoon, from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m., at the Aletheia Church, there will be leadership training sessions for pastors and civil magistrates. The topics covered at these training sessions will range from the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate, the Doctrine of Interposition and the obligation of the church and state to do their duty to end the abortion holocaust in Indiana God's way.
On Thursday, Nov. 2nd, OSA, the Lesser Magistrate Project, along with a contingency of local Indiana pastors will conduct a press conference at 9 AM. The location chosen is the Governor's Mansion at 4750 N Meridian St, Indianapolis, IN 46208. Christian leaders will gather together to deliver a letter that calls upon the Governor to do his duty to ignore and defy Roe vs. Wade, establish justice, and abolish all abortions now in Jesus' name!
Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, National Director of Operation Save America states, "If a state like Colorado can defy the Feds for the dubious practice of smoking dope, how much more should decent states in America ignore the federal judiciary when it comes to the two most crucial issues concerning our survival as a people, the defense of innocent life and the preservation of the God-ordained family."
Pastor Matt Trewhella of the Lesser Magistrate Project states, "For 44 years this slaughter of the preborn has gone on. Yet, not one governor, not one attorney general, not one legislature, not one mayor, not one common council has stood in interposition against the lawless opinion of the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade. They have all hid behind the lie 'The Supreme Court has ruled - all we can do is obey.' Judicial supremacy is a fiction. The duties of all other branches (whether federal, state, county, or local) are to defy the branch playing the tyrant and defend the preborn."
Operation Save America's Press Conference Scheduled at the Governor's Mansion in Indiana