Contact: Janet Magee, Blue Sunday Child Abuse Prevention, 956-299-0564
PORT ISABEL, Texas, March 29, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- A stranger called saying she thought she had our grandchildren. Their drug addicted mother left the toddlers with the caller to run an errand and never returned. It had been two days.
We knew the caller's address was in an area known for high crime, terrible poverty, and a hotbed for drug activity but that didn't prepare us for what we found. Literally trash filled the yard, and on it sat a mobile home with broken and missing windows. That run down mobile home contained the most important things in the world to us, our grandchildren who stood at the door wearing nothing but their two day old diapers.
This was not the first time our grandchildren had been left with strangers, nor would it be the last.
At our wits end with child protective agencies, family court, and failed rehabs we realized all we had going for us was prayer. So we prayed. Next we asked our church to pray for us. Eventually we asked other churches to pray, not for us, but for the local foster children we met during our journey of rescuing our grandchildren.
That was 22 years ago. What started with 20 churches praying for abused children has grown into an international program called Blue Sunday with over eight million people participating. We have two goals: To meet the needs of local abused children and to ask the Faith Community to do the same and it starts by asking them to pray on Blue Sunday Day of Prayer for Abused Children, April 24th. It's free. Nothing to join. Just prayers.
Our motto is: Let's pray, educate ourselves, and volunteer for the children of our nation until black and blue are just colors in their crayon box.
Are you a grandmother, friend or neighbor who is concerned about a child? Do you know a child who is in harm's way because of addicted parents? We know it is hard but you must be brave.
- Tell the parents it's dangerous for their health and the safety of their children.
- Tell them good parenting and drugs/alcohol will never mix.
- Tell them according to the Department of Health and Human Services drugs and alcohol are the number one reason parents lose their children.
- Tell them according to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, alcohol and drug abuse are involved in 7 out of 10 child abuse and child neglect cases.
The parents may not listen. They may not change. They may choose their addiction over their children.
So now what does a grandmother, friend or neighbor do? You do what is right. Make the call 1-800-4 A CHILD. It's the law. We know it hurts but take comfort in knowing that on Blue Sunday over 8 million people will be praying for the victims of child abuse and for those that rescue them. That includes you, grandmother, friend, or neighbor and it includes the children you rescue.
Janet Magee is the co-founder of National Blue Sunday Day of Prayer for Abused Children (Blue Sunday). To register for Blue Sunday visit www.bluesunday.org. You'll also find free resources and ideas to help abused and neglected children in your community.