5 Easy Ways to Help the Oklahoma Tornado Survivors
Contact: Susan Passi-Klaus, 615-742-5138, 615-476-2640 cell, spassi-klaus@umcom.org
NASHVILLE, June 10, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- The human spirit shines in times of disaster. In the aftermath of the May tornadoes that destroyed parts of Moore, Okla. and surrounding towns, individual volunteers and community groups across the country are looking for ways to lend a hand. One Great Hour of Sharing, a program of The United Methodist Church, has put together the following list of suggestions:
1. Prayer
Go to www.umc.org/disaster-pray for a list of prayer and emotional care resources to offer hope and healing for those affected by this disaster.
2. Assemble relief supply kits
Relief supply kits help provide care for the most vulnerable people during times of crisis. Oklahoma tornado survivors are especially in need of health kits and school kits. Gather friends, family and neighbors together for a fun activity that makes a difference. To learn how to assemble these kits, go to www.umcor.org/UMCOR/Relief-Supplies.
3. Donate to the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
100% of your donation goes directly to relief efforts. Through local United Methodist churches and trained disaster response workers, UMCOR provides immediate relief, assistance with cleanup and rebuilding, pastoral counseling and support for children and youth who have been through trauma. Donate online at http://buff.ly/16celiM or call 1-800-554-8583. You can also text the word RESPONSE to 80888 to make an immediate $10 donation.
4. Support One Great Hour of Sharing
Financial gifts to the One Great Hour of Sharing program make it possible for UMCOR to use 100% of all other funds raised for the actual cause specified, such as the disaster response in Oklahoma. Donate online at www.umcgiving.org/supportoghs
5. Prepare a team of volunteers
Recovery doesn’t happen overnight. Help will still be needed long-term. Begin assembling and training a team of volunteers for the months ahead during the summer and beyond. Learn more at http://www.umcor.org/UMCOR/Give/Volunteer
Share this infographic of the 5 ways you can help the Oklahoma Tornado Survivors
Share this infographic on the 5 Stages of Recovery After a Disaster
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is the not-for-profit global humanitarian aid organization of The United Methodist Church. Compelled by Christ to be a voice of conscience on behalf of the people called Methodist, UMCOR works globally to alleviate human suffering and advance hope and healing. There are many ways to support UMCOR’s work. You can donate online or over the phone by calling 1-800-554-8583. You can mail checks (payable to UMCOR) to P.O. Box 9068, New York, NY.
About One Great Hour of Sharing
Donations to One Great Hour of Sharing, a program facilitated by The United Methodist Church, covers the administrative costs of UMCOR, making it possible for 100% of your gifts to UMCOR to go directly to relief efforts. Without One Great Hour of Sharing, UMCOR’s disaster response would not exist. Donations are accepted online at www.umcgiving.org/supportoghs
Media contact:
Susan Passi-Klaus
(615) 742-5138 (office)
(615) 476-2640 (cell)