Cho Seung-Hui, the Virginia Tech murderer, claims he is "like Jesus Christ" and died for his children, brothers, and sisters. Cho says he stood up to the rich hedonistic snobs to inspire weak and defenseless people. Did Jesus or the devil motivate Cho to confront the debaucheries on campus? Was Cho a modern-day John the Baptist or Judas?
Contact: Paul Davis, Dream Maker Ministries, 407-284-1705, 407-967-7553, RevivingNations@yahoo.com
MEDIA ADVISORY, April 19 /Standard Newswire/ -- Virginia Tech killer Cho Seung-Hui claimed he was like Jesus Christ. Worldwide minister Paul Davis examines the spiritual forces that motivated this murderer.
Photo: Paul Davis, hi-res version
Paul Davis has extensive experience dealing with demon possession, mind renewal, inward transformation, and helping confused individuals become integrated and congruent. Paul's ability to move in the supernatural power of God to break demonic influences destroying human beings has impacted people on every continent.
"If God does not touch our feelings, the devil will. Religion that is cold as ice is never nice. The Church was meant to be a lifeboat, not a pleasure boat. If we do not rescue the perishing, we will need rescuing ourselves." - Paul F. Davis
Cho's deceptive decline and the critical components that led to him being overtaken by demons were:
1. Cho was a silent loner and isolated recluse.
"Isolation is the breeding ground for deception. The devil preys on the weak and works on people when they are alone. The first banana that gets peeled is the one that separates from the bunch. Idle time is the devil's playground." Paul F. Davis
Satan is the father of lies, spewing falsities and accusations. Falsities belittle a person and diminish their self-esteem, while accusations get them to question who they are.
"There are three origins of voices: God, man, and the devil. Isolated individuals often cannot differentiate between the voices they hear and often internally take ownership of them as their own. Internalizing and taking personal ownership of demonic voice's directives can be both deceptive and deadly." - Paul F. Davis
2. Cho was jealous and envious.
Cho left an angry note in his dorm against rich kids and women.
Jealousy is the rage of a man and envy like rottenness in the bones (Proverbs 6:34; 14:30). Cho was eaten up with jealousy and envy, which at its peak propelled his fit of rage.
3. Cho was suicidal.
He had mentioned committing suicide to his roommates. The devil was certainly working overtime to kill, steal, and destroy this young man.
Jesus warned of a day when people would kill in the name of God and claim they are serving Him. Those who kill don't know God (John 16:1-3; Exodus 20:13).
"The eyes are the window of the soul. Cho Seung-Hui's eyes revealed there was another resident occupying and possessing him. Cho's dull eyes displayed an absence of life and abandonment. His body was the host and the demons the parasitical inhabitants, which clearly spoke through him during his video manifesto mentioning 'my children, my brothers and sisters' of which there was no factual basis."
Cho's deep sense of self-hatred and disregard for human life manifested in his angry creative writing.
4. Cho lacked solid values, beliefs, and faith.
He seems to have been troubled about religion and American values. He railed against snobs, debauchery, and deceitful charlatans on campus.
Unsure of his beliefs, what little Cho knew he twisted and perverted. The strange inscription on one of his arms -- the words "ISMAIL AX" in red ink, referenced the near sacrifice of Abraham's son Isaac before God intervened. Apparently Cho identified with the ideal of sacrifice, though this truth he distorted and grossly perverted in his interpretation of Scripture and intention to kill.
God wants people to be living sacrifices not dead ones (Romans 12:1-2). Sadly Satan knows and quotes the Bible more than most Christians (Matthew 4:5-6). The devil twisted the sacred text and Cho right along with it.
"We cannot pretend demons don't exist. Demoniacs and troubled youth like Cho Seung-Hui are labeled weird, but they must be liberated by God's love and power. Mary Magdalene was packing seven devils before Jesus unloaded her baggage. Jesus commanded His disciples to cast out devils, not create denominations!" - Paul F. Davis
5. Cho lacked caring and confrontational friends.
When Simon the sorcerer tried to buy the gift of God with money, the apostle Peter rebuked him for such a wicked thought as his heart was not right in the sight of God (Acts 8:9-25).
The apostle Paul told Elymas the sorcerer he was full of all subtlety and mischief, a child of the devil, an enemy of all righteousness, and one who perverted the right ways of the Lord (Acts 13:6-12).
Cho desperately needed someone to compassionately confront him and walk with him out of isolation. "Though Cho believed in Christ, his heart was not right in the sight of God. Instead of dealing with his own unfinished business and issues, Cho in his pride was silently accusatory and murderous. Disassociating from and projecting his pain on to others, Cho was never made whole himself."
"Cho's unresolved anger, inner hurts, and wounds left him suseptible to demonic attack. Isolated and dwelling in darkness within, demons feasted upon him like buzzards on a decaying carcass. His fragile and shattered identity unattended to combined with demonic activity led Cho to a deadly destiny. Our society desperately needs a powerful spirituality capable of restoring people's identity and driving out the devils lodged internally."
Paul Davis is ready to proclaim the good news, heal the hurting, and set the captives free! Contact him to speak in your city, do an interview, or write an article.
407-284-1705; 407-967-7553
PO Box 684
Goldenrod, FL 32812