Contact: Colby May, TBN, 202-544-5171,
LOS ANGELES, July 26, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- As chaos and conflict increase in Egypt, Syria, and other regions of the Middle East, one clear voice continues to ring out the good news of the gospel to the Arabic speaking world. Since 2005 the Healing Channel, Trinity Broadcasting Network's exclusive Arabic language television network, has been beaming life-changing Christian programming to the over 280 million Muslims and Arabic speaking people in the Middle East, Europe, and elsewhere throughout the world.
"Never in history has there been a greater opportunity to reach the Muslim population of the earth with the saving power of Jesus," said TBN founder Dr. Paul Crouch. "While many Muslim nations are antagonistic toward the Bible and Christianity, God has prepared the hearts of millions of precious people in these countries to receive the gospel, and many are coming to Christ everyday through the Healing Channel."
Along with TBN's Nejat network, which broadcasts to the Farsi-speaking peoples in Iran and surrounding areas, the Healing Channel has become a life line of hope and spiritual freedom to millions of Muslims. The Healing Channel combines informative talk shows, gospel crusades, Bible teaching, health and nutrition programs, children's programs, and family movies, especially targeting Arabic speaking viewers in the Middle East and Europe.
One Muslim viewer wrote to say that after watching the Healing Channel he began to understand that Jesus came to manifest God's love for all people, and to bring peace and joy. "I had deep peace in my heart when I watched your programs," he said. "I am hoping you can help me convert to Christianity and receive the words of the Lord Jesus the Savior."
Dr. Rafaat Girgis, the Healing Channel's program director, said that for many in Muslim countries where the Bible is outlawed, the Healing Channel is the only connection they have to God's Word. "We constantly receive letters and e-mails from countries and areas where you cannot imagine that there is anyone watching," he said. "But people are watching and people are coming to Christ."
Said Dr. Crouch: "Every letter, every call, every e-mail we get is a confirmation that God is blessing the global outreach of TBN and the Healing Channel. Lives are being transformed for eternity, and that is what matters."