Rabid Sparks Fly Over You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International's Message to High School Assembly
Bradlee Dean Returns to Dunkerton, Iowa Tonight to Address Detractors on Abortion, Homosexuality and the Constitution
You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International -- Misrepresented? Misunderstood? Whose Rights Overstepped?
Contact: Jake MacAulay, You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International, 763-234-2757
ELK RUN HEIGHTS, Iowa, March 12, 2012 /Standard Newswire / -- Bradlee Dean of You Can Run But Cannot Hide International announces the following and is available for comment:
Event Details---
What: Community Conversation to Address the Dunkerton Community regarding their Presentation
When: Monday, March 12, 2012, 7:00pm (CDT)
Where: Faith Assembly of God Church, 5112 Lafayette Rd, Elk Run Heights, Iowa
Who: Bradlee Dean and his outreach You Can Run But Cannot Hide International
Why: Reacting to the firestorm created by the Ministry's assembly
Agenda: Jake MacAulay and Bradlee Dean will cover the content that was delivered at the high school in context. Q&A from students, parents, and community members
Background: The radical leftists have been blogging about this "hate" group…Daily Kos, Leftyblog, Dump Bachmann and the same groups who are railing against Rush and Pat Buchanan. The solo TV station that broadcasted a segment couldn't find one proponent of the assembly, but the Ministry has their own videos of students and even the Principal Mike Cooper supporting the group's efforts soon to be released.
Fire Chief DJ Manahl of the town of Dunkerton informed the Ministry that they "were not welcome and he threatened to block the roads into town to prevent them from returning."
The community center board originally approved the rental of their facility; then rejected the request once they found who would be signing the contract, alleging it was already booked. Further investigation uncovered that they were simply not going to make it available to You Can Run But Cannot Hide when a supporter in the community attempted to rent the same space – it was available, until the board found out that the users would be Dean, et al.
The City Library has space that the Ministry was approved to rent. When a supporter drove an hour to sign the contract they were told was waiting, the offer was retracted.
Federal statute states that you cannot deny any group use of government facilities that are offered to the community; Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 (RLUIPA) 42 U.S.C.
The topics creating the most community angst.
• Metallica lyrics are used to discuss; Drink up, shoot in, Let the beating begin. Distributor of pain. Your loss becomes my gain… To see into my eyes you'll find where murder lies. Infanticide; "Harvester of Sorrow"
• The students were asked if they know what infanticide is. An example of infanticide of a young girl who had a baby in her laundry room and stabbed it 135 times. A picture of a baby that has been aborted by saline abortion as another example of infanticide. Students are asked if they feel either example is justified.
• The students were given the wording of the 5th Amendment to the Constitution as well as the Declaration of Independence: "no person shall be deprived of life..." "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, Life..."
• Average age death of a homosexual male is 42 years
• Lady Gaga's lyrics used to discuss: I'm beautiful in my way/'Cause God makes no mistakes/I'm on the right track, baby/I was born this way. No matter gay, straight or bi/Lesbian, transgendered life/ … No matter black, white or beige/Chola or orient made/I'm on the right track, baby/I was born to be brave "Born This Way"