Fair Park Bible Fellowship
Jan. 15, 2025
DALLAS, Jan. 15, 2025 /Standard Newswire/ — The following is submitted by Pastor Stephen E. Broden:
2025 has gotten off to a turbulent start. Many Americans are thrilled with Trump’s “second coming," while others are filled with fear and uncertainty. No matter where one is politically or in one's walk with God, this coming year will bring about a “shaking.”
The bird flu has mutated and crossed over into the human population. The potential of world war is ever before us as things spiral downward in Ukraine. Pakistan and Afghanistan are shooting bombs at each other in an ever-escalating conflict. The hot spots in the Middle East could explode into full-blown war. Israel continues to pound Hamas and has turned its focus on Yemen and the Houthi as they launch missiles at Jerusalem. Syria is in a chaotic transition, and Trump is warning “all hell will break lose” if we do not get our hostages back by his Inauguration Day.
2025 began in America with a deadly terrorist attack in New Orleans, a car bombing in Las Vegas, mysterious drones are back over military installations across America, and California is on fire. Much of our nation’s atmosphere is riddled with fear and uncertainty. Interestingly, much of the evangelical community is focused on Donald Trump's second term, hoping his Presidency will improve the nation.
My concern is that the Evangelical world is not grasping the spiritual implications of what is happening in America and the world. The end of 2024 and the start of 2025 should sound alarm bells for God’s people. Instead, many are blind and deaf to God’s ominous warnings.
As the evangelical community celebrates Trump’s victory in November with high hopes of “making America great again,” what they fail to acknowledge is that child-killing by abortion has been codified into over 30 states in our nation. Moreover, same-sex marriage – something inherently immoral and offensive to God - is growing in acceptance among Evangelicals. Even further off the rails is that “transgender” people are becoming a protected class in many of our states. Our children are being influenced to believe they can choose to be a boy or a girl. Where is the outrage at these abominations – these crimes against God?
I fear that Christian silence and duplicity are connected to the near-blind allegiance some of us have to President Trump. Please don’t misunderstand me. I am SO THANKFUL that Kamala was defeated. For those who know me, I spent all of 2024 as a candidate for Vice President of the Constitution Party. I worked my heart out – and risked my and my family’s safety – to say that a vote for Kamala was a vote for black genocide and a vote for murder. I helped defeat her.
Nevertheless, I must warn my fellow believers: we cannot have unalloyed joy at Trump’s victory. We can’t. As a candidate, he affirmed same-sex marriage and now says he supports murdering babies up to the 17/18th week of pregnancy. He has committed to keep the murderous abortion pill available to those who want to kill their babies. Has our obedience and loyalty to God’s Commandments been supplanted by a self-centered desire to make America great again? How can America be great if America embraces and promotes rebellion against God? Friends, we must beware: many evangelicals are guilty of placing their trust in and loyalty to a man…above God! We must ask ourselves: Have our selfish ambitions and lifestyle conveniences muted our opposition to child killing by abortion and the immorality of our nation?
This year, we may find out how this misplaced trust is not only misguided but offensive to the God of all creation. The Scriptures teach that judgment starts in the household of faith. God will sift and chasten His people…first. The rise of false teachers and false prophets in the body of Christ became more evident in 2024 and will continue in 2025. How will we know who the treacherous are? Mainly as we see these “spiritual leaders” jump on the Donald Trump bandwagon… without holding him accountable for his betrayal of God’s Law regarding innocent blood and marriage. The new “cultural church” these “spiritual leaders” guide is weak and anemic…and its influence is almost nonexistent in the public square.
How should the authentic body of Christ respond to the events unfolding before us? Repentance should be our first response to our failure to be salt and light to the culture. We must repent of our distraction of pursuing the American Dream over the priority of the Kingdom agenda, and pleasing God! (Eph 5:10) Next, we need to listen to the voice of God through His word. What is God saying to us now? We cannot be distracted by this sick and perverted nation and the wickedness of the falling world that God’s Law will judge. We need to do what He expects of us now more than ever. Draw near to Him, and He will draw near to thee. Let him who has ears to hear, hear.
Humanity is in open rebellion against God; America is in open rebellion against God. What shall become of a nation like ours? To whom much is given, much is required. As things become increasingly chaotic in America and the world, we who belong to Christ should not be fearful or insecure. We must keep our eyes on Him and listen carefully to what He says to His Church and our nation. Knowing His Word, His Laws, and the history laid out in the Scriptures, we can be sure of this: He calls us to be prophetic watchmen on the wall, calling the Church, the nation, our clergymen, and our politicians, and yes – our President – to repent of and to crush the sins that cry out to Him for vengeance.
If we fail to love what God loves and hate what God hates, we will be undone. However, if we rise to the occasion and put God first —not America or Donald Trump—it may be that God will make America great because America put God first.
SOURCE Fair Park Bible Fellowship
CONTACT: Pastor Stephen Broden, 214 -826-0098