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Abortion Activist Attacks Pro-Lifers: Charges Filed
Contact: Mark Harrington, Created Equal, 614-419-9000,

COLUMBUS, Ohio, July 10, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- Yesterday, Seth Drayer, Created Equal's Director of Training, was physically attacked while leading our interns in outreach in downtown Columbus, OH.  The video of the incident shows how it is imperative that those who are involved in public outreach need to have behavioral and safety training in place for handling these attacks.  Please also pray for the perpetrator of the attack. 


Created Equal's Executive Director Mark Harrington said, "Violent attacks on pro-lifers are becoming more common. Pro-lifers need to be winsome and be willing to take verbal and physical abuse if necessary in order to remain faithful to our pledge to be non-violent.  We also should take precautions to reduce the likelihood of these attacks, be prepared to film them and prosecute the perpetrators (if necessary) to the fullest extent of the law.  We understand the risk we take each time we go into the marketplace of ideas with a message as counter-cultural as showing the victims of abortion.  However, despite the threat we will not shrink back from representing the victims."

One of the main characteristics of being a movement, not just a cause, is that we are dedicated to non-violence and treating people with respect.  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said; "Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him."

Mark Harrington, Executive Director, Created Equal.