Advocates Choose the White Bows in Show of Support for Traditional Marriage
Contact: Dran Reese, 888-725-8654; www.godsmarriagebow.com
SAN DIEGO, April 10, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- Designers of a new campaign, "God's Marriage Bow," are inviting citizens to wear white bows to demonstrate their support of traditional marriage between one man and one woman.
"The white color stands in contrast to the rainbow colors that advocate same-sex marriage," explains Dran Reese, President of the nationwide organization, the Salt & Light Council.
"Rainbows are meant to show God's redemption, but this image has been co-opted by a movement that is antithetical to Biblical values," says Reese, who developed the effort as a way to unite concerned citizens. "We're going to take back the rainbow by redeeming it with the white marriage bow."
The color white was chosen for its connotations of purity, holiness, as well as the complete forgiveness of sin. "Scripture is clear that we all fall short," Reese emphasizes.
"The bow is symbolic, as in 'tying the knot' -- a historical inference to the one-man, one-woman union, or tying a bow on a present as a reminder that this unique relationship is a gift from God."
The Marriage Bow Campaign launched on March 26, the day the Supreme Court began proceedings on the future of marriage and the family in America. The Campaign consists of two simple actions: Wear a white bow and display it prominently...on your lapel, shirt or jacket, even on your car or a tree in your yard; and also send pre-printed postcards to all nine Supreme Court justices asking their support of traditional marriage.
"It couldn't be easier, and its free," Reese added. "The website has free downloadable postcards, plus the names and addresses of the justices."
The Salt & Light Council trains and equips churches to reclaim and preserve the Judeo-Christian heritage though responsible, biblically-based citizenship.
For more information about God's Marriage Bow and the Salt & Light Council, go to www.godsmarriagebow.com.