Contact: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, 540-538-4741
WASHINGTON, Oct. 10, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states the faith community cannot support a President who has broken covenant and violated the principles of; the dignity of life, religious freedom, the foundation of marriage and social justice for the needy and oppressed.
Some of the comments of Rev. Mahoney include:
"As Christians and people of faith, we are to respect, honor and pray for those in authority. Over the past four years, we have been faithful to respect and pray for President Obama, his family and his Administration.
"However, the Christian community also has a prophetic responsibility to embrace life, justice and stand against the crushing of human rights. In that respect, we must pray that our leaders will honor God and the historic principles of His Word.
"Since voting is never neutral and carries a moral and spiritual weight, how is the faith community to pray for the Presidential election on November 6? We believe faithful Christians and people of conscience must pray against the re-election of President Obama based on his radical and extremist policies on abortion, his redefinition of marriage, his crushing of religious freedom through the HHS Mandate and his lack of commitment to the oppressed and needy."
Rev. Mahoney's Full Statement can be seen below:
- President Obama's crushing and lack of respect for religious freedom and conscience in the HHS mandate in Obamacare.
- His extremist and radical policies on abortion which have resulted in Mr. Obama becoming the most pro-abortion president in American history.
- President Obama becoming our first President to redefine marriage and violate the historic and spiritual principles of marriage.
- His lack of commitment to social justice and the needy as seen in his cutting $19,000,000 to a program of the Catholic Church that helped the victims of sex-trafficking and the dramatic increase of families and children in poverty under his Administration.
"As Christians and people of faith, we are to respect, honor and pray for all those in authority. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 tells us to offer prayers and intercessions for our leaders.
"Over the past 4 years, we have been faithful to respect and pray for President Obama, his family and his Administration. We have echoed the prayer of the Rev. Billy Graham for President Obama as he prayed for past Presidents:
'We beseech Thee that he will have Thy divine guidance and power daily. Help him as Thou didst help Thy servants of old. Our Father, we know his burdens and responsibilities will be overwhelming. He will hold in his hands the destiny of more people than any man in history. O God, our President needs Thee as no man ever needed Thee in leading a people!
'There will be times when he will be overwhelmed by the problems at home and abroad that have been building up to the breaking point for many years. Protect him from physical danger. And in the lonely moments of decision grant him an uncompromising courage to do what is morally right. Give him a cool head and a warm heart. Give him a compassion for those in physical, moral, and spiritual need. We pray that Thou wilt so guide President Obama in handling the affairs of state that the whole world will marvel and glorify Thee.'
"However, the Christian community also has a prophetic responsibility to embrace life, justice and stand against the crushing of human rights. In that respect, we must pray that our leaders will honor God, the historic principles of His Word and the founding principles of this nation which has brought freedom and liberty to millions. Christians recognize the truth of Proverbs 14:34 that, "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people."
"Since voting is never neutral and carries a moral and spiritual weight, how is the faith community to pray for the Presidential election on November 6?
"I believe based on the 4 points listed below, faithful Christians and people of conscience have a moral and spiritual responsibility to pray against the re-election of President Obama.
These points are:
"We harbor no malice toward President Obama and recognize that God is sovereign and directs circumstances and situations according to His will and purposes. However, as people of faith and conscience we cannot support a President who has broken covenant and violated the principles of; religious freedom, the dignity of life, the foundation of marriage and social justice. In light of this, we must pray that this President is not re-elected."
For more information or interviews call:
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 540.538.4741