Police Officer Asks God for a Sign; Delivers a 6 lb., 11 Ounce Answer
Contact: Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, Operation Save America, 254-715-3134
WICHITA, Kan., Aug. 8, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- SWAT Deputy Mark Diebold of the Tarrant County Police asked God for a sign and got one weighing 6 lbs., 11 ounces. At the time, he did not realize how large a sign it would become.
It had been a rough few weeks for law enforcement, but on July 18, 2016, something happened to restore Deputy Diebold's faith. On the same day Deputy Diebold prayed, Operation Rescue National/Operation Save America released an "Open Letter to Police in America," the official letter reminding police of their duty under God to protect preborn life from murder. The biblical and Constitutional treatise was sent to media outlets throughout the nation.
During the "Summer of Justice" in Wichita, Kansas, Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, National Director of ORN/OSA, Assistant Director and former police officer. Chet Gallagher, and local Pastor. Rob Rotola. delivered copies of the letter to Wichita officers. As they presented the letters, a team of intercessors prayed at the South Wind abortion clinic in Wichita, KS. They prayed and asked God to protect preborn babies and police officers from violence. There is a direct connection between the two targets. One woman prayed, "God, deliver, deliver, deliver."
445 miles way, a car sped to a Texas hospital. The woman's baby would not wait; her water broke in the car. Deputy Diebold pulled alongside the car and helped deliver a tiny baby- but not just any baby. He delivered Rev. Thomas' own granddaughter, Evelyn. On the same day Rev. Thomas was calling upon police to intervene on the behalf of the preborn and help end the covenant with death established by Roe vs. Wade, his own granddaughter was being delivered by a police officer in Texas. Coincidence? You be the judge.
Evelyn means life. The "Summer of Justice" was a call to lesser magistrates to stand in the gap and interpose on the behalf of preborn life. When Deputy Diebold delivered Evelyn, he was fulfilling his role as a lesser magistrate and serving as an example of what needs to be done to deliver the preborn as well. We call on law enforcement everywhere to stand in the gap and do what Deputy Diebold did to save the life of a baby.
Law enforcement must deliver the preborn, protect life and restore peace to America. To read the Open letter to Police in America click here.