Chicago Planned Parenthood Allows Mom to Bleed to Death
Contact: Renee Hobbs, Life Dynamics Incorporated, 940-380-8800
DENTON, Texas, Aug. 1, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher, is calling on Cook County Illinois State's Attorney, Anita Alvarez, to immediately launch an investigation into the death of Tonya Reaves. He says the investigation is necessary to determine if criminal charges are warranted under the state's "depraved indifference murder" statutes.
On Friday the 20th of July, 2012, the 24-year-old African-American woman climbed onto a table at a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Chicago. The life of her unborn baby was to be snuffed out, but the abortionist did not stop there. In a few hours, Ms. Reaves would also be closing her eyes for the final time.
What is now known is that the Planned Parenthood abortionist ripped a hole in Ms. Reaves' uterus and she began to hemorrhage. It is also known that the Planned Parenthood staff let her lie there for over five hours before they called an ambulance.
Crutcher says, "It is clear that Tonya's life was less important to these people than the public relations hit they might take from her being hauled out of their facility on a stretcher. And so they just watched her bleed out. Imagine that the Chicago police shoot a 24-year-old man and leave him lying in the street without calling an ambulance. If that young man bleeds to death a few hours later, the public would be demanding that charges be brought against the officers involved whether the shooting was justified or not. And rightly so. Well, that certainly appears to mirror what happened here."
Crutcher also asked why the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons of the world have been so uncharacteristically quiet, "These guys were willing to move heaven and earth to get justice for Trayvon Martin, but they write off Tonya Reeves like she never existed. Someone needs to ask these two why they think Trayvon's life counts more than Tonya's. Is it because she was killed by a group of people they happen to like?"
In calling for the investigation, Crutcher stated that, "If it can be shown that this young woman might have survived if emergency treatment had not been withheld from her for more than five hours, then this was not an accident and it was not medical malpractice. It was a homicide. And those responsible should be on the evening news wearing handcuffs and leg irons."
For an interview call Renee Hobbs at Life Dynamics Incorporated
(940) 380-8800