"Exclusively faulting Israel is neither evangelical nor socially just." -- Mark Tooley, IRD President
Contact: Jeff Walton, Institute on Religion and Democracy, 202-682-4131, 202-413-5639 cell, jwalton@TheIRD.org
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- Evangelical left activists are preparing to convene a conference on Middle East peace.
"Impact: Holy Land," meeting December 4-6 at the Friends Center in Philadelphia, PA, will include leading evangelicals from the U.S., ostensibly gathering around relationship building and discussion.
Major U.S. speakers at the December 4-6 event include evangelist Tony Campolo (former spiritual counselor to Bill Clinton), Chicago megachurch co-founder Lynne Hybels of Willow Creek Church, and popular religious campus anti-war activist Shane Claiborne of The Simple Way in Philadelphia. Palestinian Melkite Catholic Archbishop Elias Chacour will also speak.
Polling of American evangelicals reveals they are overwhelmingly pro-Israel. Citing not just theological reasons, evangelicals note Israel is a pro-American and liberal democratic government, offering tolerance to religious minorities, including Christians. Meanwhile, most of Israel's neighbors offer far less freedom.
IRD President Mark Tooley commented:
"Exclusively faulting Israel is neither evangelical nor socially just.
"Evangelicals across the political spectrum should agree that Israel has a right to live in safety. Any real peace must include Palestinians and others in the Middle East sincerely accepting and respecting Israel's permanent existence as a homeland for the Jewish people.
"Christians who encourage Palestinian grievance and victim-hood only perpetuate suffering for the people they say they want to help.
"Hopefully this 'Impact: Holy Land' event will not demonize Israel, overtly or subtly, and instead open eyes to the Middle East as it really is."