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US Military Easter Sunrise Service Features Dr. James F. Linzey

Contact: Dr. David Wagner, 951-767-9776, 

MCAS MIRAMAR, SAN DIEGO, Calif., April 18, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ --  Dr. James F. Linzey, Retired Army Chaplain, rank of Major, spoke at the US Marine Corps' Easter Sunrise Service at MCAS Miramar, San Diego to a packed out "house" of about 200 Marines and dependents, including dignitaries. 

Photo: Courtesy of CDR Don Biadog, CHC, USN. Dr. James F. Linzey speaks at the Easter Sunrise Service, MCAS Miramar, San Diego, CA., April 16, 2017.

Dignitaries included Admiral Fox Johnson, USN (Ret.), Colonel Harry Hodges, United States Merchant Marines (Ret.), and the Command Chaplain of Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Commander Don Biadog, CHC, USN. An outstanding chaplain and eloquent speaker, Commander Biadog gave the Scripture reading of Matthew 28:1-10 which served as the basis of Dr. Linzey's speech. An excellent Project Officer and exemplary chaplain serving with honors for the Marine Aircraft Group 11, Third Marine Aircraft Wing at Miramar, Lieutenant Daniel Robinson, CHC, USN, was the Master of Ceremonies. A professional-sounding guitarist and singer, Lieutenant Robinson moved the congregation with phenomenal pieces of music which he powerfully played and sang. Then the 3rd Marine Air Wing Band's Brass Quintet brought the "house" down with military hymns and some of the greatest hymns of the Church.

Then Dr. Linzey roused the audience with a speech titled "Secure the Watch, Chaplain!" Starting out with stunning facts about the resurrection of Jesus, he spoke about visions various US Air Force and Army chaplains have shared about Jesus, and the vision Saul the Persecutor had on the Damascus road when he became converted and later took on the name "Paul the Apostle." He concluded his speech by sharing a dream his father, the late Captain Stanford Linzey, had as an Assemblies of God Navy Chaplain in the Tonkin Gulf during the Vietnam War aboard the USS Coral Sea in 1972.

In the dream, Captain Linzey sees the final victory of Christ in a military setting at the end of time. At the Second Coming of Christ, Christ is the Commanding Officer giving the orders of the day at Commander's Call on the military parade grounds near the flag pole. In describing the dream years ago, Captain Linzey said:

    To the senior medical officer He said, "After quarters you may secure the dispensary, Doctor. You may discharge your patients. We will not need your services any longer, for there shall be no more death, sickness, crying, nor pain here. I shall wipe away all tears." He then approached the public works officer: "Secure the watch, commander. Hang up your hat. The lights of this city will never fail. I am the light of the city." He then turned to the aircraft squadron commanders and said, "Gentlemen, park your aircraft outside the city walls and secure the watch. I have fought the last battle, and all enemies have been defeated. There will be war no more." Finally, He addressed me, and said, "Secure the watch, chaplain. Your job is done. All personnel here are redeemed. You are a kingdom of priests unto your God."

    The bugler sounded first call to colors. It was now 7:55 AM. The Navy band was standing by to play the national anthem; and the Marine Guard was standing by to raise the flag. At 8:00 a.m., the bugler sounded again and we snapped to attention. There was a throne on the parade grounds. The Commanding Officer approached the throne on a white horse as the Marine Guard raised the blood-stained banner of Jesus Christ. It would now fly forever. Then the Navy Band struck up the national anthem of heaven:

      All hail the power of Jesus' Name!
      Let angels prostrate fall;
      Bring forth the royal diadem,
      And crown Him Lord of all.

    The Commanding Officer then spoke to the Marine Guard: "Lash the flag to the pole. It shall never be hauled down. There is no retreat here, and night shall be no more. Secure the bugler. Taps will never be sounded here, for there is no sunset nor death." Then the Marine Guard approached the throne with a great jewelled crown and placed it on the head of Jesus and saluted him, "King of Kings, and Lord of Lords."

Then Captain Linzey saw words from the Book of Revelation scroll down the screen:

    And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." (Revelation 21:1-4)

Verna Linzey, Dr. Linzey's mother, once said of the dream, "When my husband woke up, he felt physically and spiritually renewed. As he lay in bed, tears came to his eyes because God had given him a preview of the final victory at the Second Coming. He felt refreshed and found new strength to continue ministering for Christ throughout remainder of his tour of duty at sea during the Vietnam War in the Tonkin Gulf aboard the USS Coral Sea."

Dr. Linzey then concluded the riveting speech, saying, "May this Easter Sunday be the dawning of a new day of hope for a brighter future and victorious living as the community of believers, recommitting our lives to serve the risen King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Amen." Dr. Linzey then walked off the platform, and you could hear a pin drop. The audience was speechless after hearing what the Second Coming could possibly look like from a military perspective in a military setting. Lieutenant Robinson approached the podium and closed the program with prayer, followed by the Marine Brass Quintet's postlude. Commander Biadog and Lieutenant Robinson received commendations for orchestrating this powerful event for the Marines.