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Pro-life Leaders to Stage Sit-in/Pray-in at the Office of Speaker John Boehner's Office in Washington, D.C.

Contact: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, 540-538-4741; Jill Stanek, 815-274-2744 

WASHINGTON, March 19, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- The peaceful civil disobedience will take place on Wednesday, March 25, at 11:00 A.M.

Speaker Boehner's office is located at 1011 in the Longworth House Office Building in Washington, D.C.

The name of the event is #FreeTheBan. Here is the link to the Facebook Event Page: 

The planned activities are in response to Republicans reneging on their promise to vote on "The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act" this past January 22, which was the Roe v. Wade Memorial.

After this betrayal of American's children and the pro-life movement, republican leadership promised they would reschedule a vote immediately.  Sadly, this has not happened. In fact, TWO MONTHS have now passed.

Organizers are inviting pro-life activists from around the nation to join with them as they stand in solidarity with our nation's children and call upon Speaker Boehner to reschedule a vote.

Below is a letter the group sent to Speaker Boehner:

    Dear Speaker Boehner;

    We would like to, first, thank you for your record of standing with America's children by speaking out your entire public career against the violence of abortion.  At the 2013 March for Life you affirmed your commitment toward ending abortion by saying we need to work to "help make abortion a relic of the past… let that be one of our fundamental goals of this year."

    The pro-life community could not agree with you more.

    However, this is also why, Mr. Speaker, it was so disappointing to have you pull the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act from being voted on earlier this year. It was even more troubling to have this life-saving legislation withdrawn on the eve of the 2015 March for Life, when hundreds of thousands of Americans had come to Washington, D.C. to embrace human rights and equality for all, and we were promised it would be passed on January 22.

    Although we are sure this was not your intention, millions felt betrayed by your actions and those of the Republican House leadership.  Just one day before scores would be marching in the harsh winter conditions of January, we were still being assured a vote would happen the next day.

    Imagine our further sense of betrayal that, almost two months later, no vote has been rescheduled for the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

    Mr. Speaker, this seems to fly in the face of your previous statement that you wanted to "help make abortion a relic of the past."  As Dr. Martin Luther King stated so eloquently, "Justice delayed, is justice denied."  This is especially true for America's innocent children.

    Speaker Boehner, this inaction has also hurt millions of pro-life citizens on a personal level who have worked countless hours manning phone banks and walking precincts, donated millions of dollars to Republican candidates, distributed tons of literature, and voted in large numbers during the 2014 mid-term elections to give you the historic majority you enjoy today as Speaker of the House.

    The pro-life community is asking you to reaffirm your commitment to ending abortion and immediately schedule a vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.  It is our added hope and prayer that bill language will ban all abortions after 20 weeks.

    We are asking you to personally address this because, as Speaker of the House, your office has the authority to set the legislative agenda and move it forward.  This authority and right does not rest in a three-term congresswoman from North Carolina, or a seven term Congresswoman from Tennessee.  Mr. Speaker, this issue clearly rests on your shoulders. To borrow from President Truman, "the buck stops with you."

    The free world was proud when you showed incredible courage inviting Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak before a Joint Session of Congress in the face of incredible opposition and resistance. You refused to back down and put the lives and security of Americans ahead of political partisanship.  Mr. Speaker, we are looking for to you to exert that same kind of strength and leadership with the passage of this historic legislation protecting America's children.

    Mr. Speaker, know that the pro-life community enthusiastically stands with you in our struggle to end the violence of abortion and ensure human rights for all.  You are daily in our prayers.  Blessings to you and your family, and May God bless America.

    For America's children,

    Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney
    Director of the Christian Defense Coalition 

    Jill Stanek

    Troy Newman
    President of Operation Rescue

For more information or interviews call:

Rev. Patrick Mahoney at  540.538.4741 
Jill Stanek at  815.274.2744