Contact: Bob Fu, China Aid Association, Inc., 267- 205-5210, info@ChinaAid.org
Photo: Formal arrest notice paper of brother Hua Huiqi
Hua had been under criminal detention on the charge of intervening public affair since January 26. He and his mother were beaten by police from Chaoyang Police Branch, The police even poured cold water over him in the 20 degree temperature. Hua's mother 76-year-old Ms. Shuang Shuying was formally arrested on February 9, 2007 on the charge of willfully damaging public and private property.
Hua is an active house church Christian in
"The charge against brother Hua is totally baseless and it's clear a step of revenge to Hua's Christian ministry to the oppressed," said Bob Fu, who is the former coworker of Hua. "Hua's case should be seen as a litmus test on whether
Letter of your concern can be sent to:
Premier Wen Jiabao, PRC
Contact Phone: +86-10-66012399
Ms. Wu Aiying, minister of Ministry of Justice of PRC
Address: No. 10, Nan Da Jie, Chaoyangmen,
Formal arrest warrant of Mr. Hua Huiqi details:
Arrest Warrant
Document Number: Jing Gong Chao Zi (2007) No.0335
Relatives of Hua Huiqi:
Hua Huiqi was arrested, on the approval of the Chaoyang District Prosecutor, by our bureau February 8, 2007, for obstruction of justice. He is currently held in the