Contact: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, 540-538-4741
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- A glance at the websites of America's largest churches reveal no mention of ending abortion or listing abortion with other social justice and pressing human rights issues.
Issues like; providing clean water, human trafficking, fighting poverty, urban ministry, affordable housing and mentoring are mentioned, but working to end abortion is never addressed.
With 55,000,000 innocent lives lost and the lives of women diminished and bruised through abortion, it is shameful and disturbing that the most influential evangelical churches in America are not publicly addressing the greatest human rights and social justice issue of our time.
The failure of America's mega churches to prophetically confront the violence of abortion in a public way does not bode well for ending abortion in our nation.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington, D.C., states;
"Over the past 36 years of ordained ministry, I have worked tirelessly on issues of human rights and social justice. Whether that has been; establishing emergency shelters for the homeless along with food pantries and soup kitchens, racial reconciliation, affordable housing, shipping medical supplies to emerging nations, establishing medical clinics for impoverished people and establishing homes for women dealing with domestic violence.
"However, without question, the greatest issue of social justice and human rights facing our nation today is that of ending the horror of abortion.
"Therefore, it is extremely troubling and disturbing that America's mega churches are not publicly and prophetically confronting the violence of abortion, its diminishing of women and the tragic loss of 55,000,000 innocent children from our communities.
"It is inexcusable and shameful to exclude ending abortion from other social justice and human rights issues such as providing clean drinking water, fighting poverty, homelessness and human trafficking.
"Sadly, the silence of America's largest churches on the issue of abortion will add years to the struggle toward providing a society which treats every person with dignity and respect and bringing an end to the violence of abortion.
"My hope and prayer is that as our nation marks the 40th Memorial of Roe v. Wade, America's mega churches will embrace the heart of Christ for justice and human rights and speak up with passion and purpose about ending this senseless violence against our children."
"Simply stated, living with integrity and purpose and standing against violence and injustice is far more important that large buildings, programs and attendance."
For more information or interviews
call: Rev. Patrick Mahoney at 540.538.4741