Bishop E.W. Jackson Urges Christians -- 'Hillary's 'Deplorables' -- to Vote for Donald Trump
Contact: Chelsea Svendsen, 304-620-7007,, for interviews with Bishop Jackson
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- In a new video, Bishop E.W. Jackson (photo) points out that Christians who understand that it would be a sin to vote for Hillary Clinton, cannot allow misgivings about Donald Trump cause them to sit out this election. He is urging them to vote for Trump. Says Jackson, "Christians cannot allow someone to become President who thinks of them as 'deplorable' and 'irredeemable.' Hillary and her comrades despise Bible believing Christians and slanderously label us 'haters' and 'bigots' who deserve to be silenced."
Last week Jackson concluded a non-partisan five state tour to turn out the Christian vote in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina and Florida. Says the Bishop, "With the Awakening Tour ending, I now want to speak strictly for myself as an American citizen. I believe that Hillary Clinton as President will be an unmitigated disaster for our country and the Christian community."
He points to the Wikileaks emails as proof of Clinton's antipathy toward Christians. Clinton staffers referred to Protestants as "dumb" and Catholics as "pretentious." Clinton is in agreement with Civil Rights Commission Chair, Martin Castro, who claims "religious liberty" and "religious freedom" are a cloak to hide homophobia, Islamophobia, sexism and racism. "Our freedoms will be neither protected nor respected by people who hold these views," states Bishop Jackson.
Jackson is calling on Christians to unite across racial and denominational lines to stop Clinton and protect their Constitutional freedom. Jackson says, "Devout Christians - Catholic, Protestant, black, white, Latino and others -- will see their freedoms crushed by a Clinton presidency. On the other hand, Donald Trump whatever his flaws, has promised to defend our religious liberty. That fact alone is enough to compel Christians to vote for Trump over Hillary, and I believe that come Election day, we will."
Click here to view the video.