Contact: Kathleen Campbell, Campbell Public Relations, 719-290-5394,
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 22, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- Get ready. It's right around the corner. September 28th 2015—the Final Blood Moon of the Tetrad. Will this eclipse truly usher in the apocalypse? Should we worry?
And what about the prediction that the US dollar will collapse this October bringing about the demise of America. Will it really happen? Are these prophesies true, biblical signs of the imminent return of Christ, or something else entirely?
"We've been down this road before," says Robert Fraser, successful entrepreneur, speaker, and best-selling author of Marketplace Christianity.
"Decade after decade Evangelicals have filled the bestseller lists with failed predictions of death and disaster followed by continued warnings that, even though it didn't happen this time, the end is very near and something to be feared."
Fraser is one of the few voices currently willing to speak so boldly. He contends that there is a negative bias in Christianity that says darkness is winning, the good is losing, our earth is doomed, and that this is what the Bible predicts. The reality is, that this view is not actually supported by Scripture.
"The facts don't support this viewpoint, either. As Evangelical Christians we have become anti-Biblical without realizing it," says Fraser. Robert Fraser has spent years researching history and socioeconomic trends and is publishing his findings in his new book, Doombusters: Eight End-Times Myths Debunked, releasing this November.
"History shows that in the big picture, the Kingdom of God has been steadily advancing since the times of Jesus. Every socio-economic factor spanning across centuries and geographies shows improvement."
Fraser contends that doomsday thinking is so popular now most people don't even realize how Evangelical eschatology has become distorted by despair over the last two hundred years and that it has changed the culture of Christianity.
"If the church is ever going to become salt and light to the world, we must engage the culture with hope, not retreat in fear with our bags packed, waiting for Jesus to bring a miserable end to history," Fraser says. "The reason Christianity has lost influence in society is because the Church has retreated into a bunker mentality."
"God's people have been debilitated and impoverished by fear. That's why I was compelled to write Doombusters. It is imperative to dispel all these myths. Those of us who love the Lord Jesus and look forward to His return must accurately discern the truth from God's Word about His coming." (
Robert Fraser is the best-selling author of Marketplace Christianity, a winner of the Entrepreneur of the Year award in business, a hedge fund manager, editor of the Joseph Insight newsletter that tracks economic, scientific and historical trends, and director of Influent, a ministry devoted to leadership training and impacting society. Fraser is known for his paradigm-shifting lectures, his honest and straight talk, and his love for his Savior, Jesus Christ. He lives in Kansas City with his wife, four children and two grandchildren.
End-times Prophecies Unfolding Next Week? Discerning the Truth from the Myths