Contact: Public Advocate,
703-845-1808, email,
twitter: @eugenedelgaudio
WASHINGTON, July 26, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- The Senate debate on the repeal of Obamacare begins and Public Advocate's "Bernie Sanders Godbusters Squad" arrives Wednesday at 12 noon, July 26th, 2017 to sing a mock "Bernie Sanders Godbusters" ballad to the tune of the Ghostbusters Movie theme song.
Photo: Patches that will be on the uniforms being worn
At noon Wednesday the group Public Advocate will host a six member singing troupe staring "Senator Bernie Sanders" in front of the U.S. Supreme Court at 1 First Street, Northeast, Washington D.C. opposite the front entrance on the public sidewalk. The group has a song and will walk over to the Dirksen Senate Office Building (First and Constitution Avenue NE) to "bust" or "catch" Christians wearing inflated balloon "proton packs" around the building as the Obama Healthcare Repeal debate in the Senate begins.
Participants will wear costumes, black oval shaped patches with Senator Sanders photo as "Godbuster" and other patches with a round shaped brown colored Christian Cross with an international bright red cross out and a participant with a Brooklyn borough style "New Yawk" (New York) accent will "hunt" Christians.
"Real compassion means not allowing Senator Bernie Sanders attacks on Christians in public hearings to go unchallenged. He recklessly attacks those who believe in God, and dare to hold public or government office. We are mocking this abusive act with our Bernie Sanders Godbusters Squad and will sing until he changes his tune or apologizes," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.
The songs tune is from the popular Ghostbusters movie with the following words.
GODBUSTERS song lyrics (Sung to Ghostbusters movie theme song)
If there's someone prayin' / In your neighborhood,
Who you gonna call? Godbusters!
If they share the Word / About bad and good,
Who you gonna call? Godbusters!
I ain't afraid of no (Holy) Ghost!/ I ain't afraid of no (Holy) Ghost!
Are religious things / Making you see red?
Who you gonna call? Godbusters!
And a sinful past / Makes you spiritually dead?
Who you gonna call? Godbusters!
I ain't afraid of no (Holy) Ghost!
I ain't afraid of no (Holy) Ghost!
Who you gonna call? Godbusters!
If you're all annoyed / By that spiritual void,
Give Bernie a call at Godbusters!
Song also posted here