Pro-Life Champions Movie '40' Teams Up with 40 Days for Life for Upcoming Fall Campaign
40 Film Investigates Planned Parenthood and The Impact of Legalized Abortion For Over 40 Years
Contact: Cindy Morales, 847-803-4003, 773-835-0455 cell,
GLENVIEW, Ill., Aug. 14, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- Pro-Life Champions, the producers of the 40 film, are teaming up with 40 Days for Life to encourage local leaders in the United States and other countries to use this powerful movie as a tool to educate, inspire and motivate pro-life volunteers to get involved with 40 Days for Life. The upcoming Fall Campaign will take place from September 23 to November 1, 2015. 40 has released a new website page for this collaborate effort.
"The 40 film is an amazing documentary that helps to illustrate the crisis of abortion in a profound, powerful, and emotional way but it also points viewers towards the solution to the crisis as well as all the various things that they can do to help solve this problem to be a voice for the voiceless," said David Bereit, National Director of 40 Days for Life. "You can use this film as powerful tool perhaps at one of your campaign events or between campaigns to help get more people educated, informed and activated into your 40 Days for Life pro-life efforts."
Since the first coordinated 40 Days for Life campaign took place in 2007, local campaign leaders have reported 3,588 total campaigns, in 579 cities representing 30 countries, with 650,000 individual participants in 17,500 churches, with over 10,331 lives saved from abortion. 40 Days for Life campaigns have also led to 118 abortion workers quitting and 60 abortion facilities closing their doors forever.
40 is one of the most compelling pro-life films ever produced. It's an inspirational movie that examines the effects of abortion on our nation over the last 40 years since Roe v. Wade. The film presents abortion as the most important human and civil rights issue of our time. 40 gives voice to both sides fairly and lets women speak for themselves through experience on the reasons for their firm convictions about abortion.
The issue of abortion is personal for former Fox Sports Net sportscaster and 40 Director John Morales who says, "I'm not only post-abortive but I'm also an adoptive father."
40 features several former Planned Parenthood employees including Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic Director and Founder of "And Then There Were None, as well as some of the biggest names in the pro-life movement including David Bereit and Shawn Carney, Co-Founders of 40 Days for Life, Lila Rose, the President of Live Action," Rebecca Kiessling, Pro-life Speaker and Conceived in Rape, Jeanne Monahan, President of March for Life Education and Defense Fund, Joe Scheidler, Founder of the Pro-Life Action League, and many more!
"40 is an emotionally powerful and intellectually stimulating must-see movie." -- Movieguide, The Family Guide To Movie Reviews
40 is directed by the co-producer of the award winning Champions of Faith: Baseball Edition, John Morales, and from Executive Producer and Movie to Movement Founder, Jason Jones. The production team of photojournalist Rob Kaczmark and Spirit Juice Studios brings years of film making experience to the project. Actress Jennifer Cadena, (The Roommate, Crescendo, and Little Boy), lends her beautiful and youthful voice in the narration of the 40 film. Award winning media composer Sean Beeson wrote the original music scores for 40.
To schedule an interview with 40 Director/Producer John Morales call Cindy Morales at Pro-Life Champions 847-803-4003
For more information or to schedule a screening of 40 for your local 40 Days for Life campaign visit